What Is Culture?

I have not only greatly improved my ability in English but I have been introduced to so many aspects of Canadian culture which cannot be learned in the classroom: making Halloween pumpkin masks, shopping for groceries with my tutor, bowling with the ESL group.


Shao Fang, Smithers

Culture can be defined as the behaviours, beliefs, and values of a particular social or ethnic group. Whether we’re aware of it or not, culture rules almost every aspect of our lives; it encompasses what we do, think, and feel. Our culture forms our ideas of right and wrong, as well as what we perceive as normal. It defines how we interact with others, and how we see the world and ourselves. We are all influenced by the culture of our childhood.



Why Is Learning and Adapting to a New Culture
so Difficult?

An iceberg is often used as a metaphor for culture. We observe the 10 percent that is “on the surface”—things we can see, hear, and touch, such as language, art, and music. The remaining 90 percent of culture is submerged or hidden, its foundation going well beneath the surface. These aspects of culture include values, beliefs, attitudes and traditions. It’s the hidden elements of culture that are difficult to learn about and adjust to.




  Copyright 2009 BC Ministry of Advanced Education and Labour Market Development