Recent Updates
- Update to convert Violent Threat Assessment (VTA) to Safety Alert(SA)
January 2025
- Updates to Inclusive Education.
January 2024
- New “Secondary School Association” sub-section created in Enrollment section based on former “Cross-Enrollment” sub-section
- Information regarding District Online Learning Schools (DOLS) exception reason field usage
April 2023
- Registration section updates of Updating Existing Information, Contacts, Entry Codes in MyEducation BC, and Personal Education Number (PEN), Student Alerts, Moving Students with Secondary School Associations, and Student Transfers sub-sections
- Updated Inclusive Education section
- Added new hyperlinks to Children and Youth in Care (CYIC) resources
November 2022
- Updated link in Withdrawal chapter to Ministry Permanent Student Record information
- New Children and Youth in Case (CYIC) Section Added to Student Records Chapter
- Updated Privacy and Security Roles Section
September 2022
- Attendance absence reason codes information added
July 2022
- Permanent Student Records section updated to reflect new inclusion record workflow
- Updated URL provided for Provincial Letter Grades Order in Student Achievement section
June 2022
- On-line Privacy training course was updated to reflect the November 2021 FOIPPA Amendments
- Data Maintenance: Change History Log Retention added
May 2022
- Cross Enrollment updated to include information about Secondary School Responsibilities
- Transcript Record Changes: Historical Credit Records updated
- Data Maintenance: Dip/SCCP and Years of ELL added
- Admissions: Verify Identity and Eligibility updated
April 2022
- School Changes at Semester Change updated
- Update to Enter Demographic Data to include details around mononyms and repair the links
- Update to Pre-registered Students
March 2022
- Final Grades updated
- Withdrawal Code: Graduated – Dogwood updated When To Use
December 2021:
- Preferred Gender field renamed to Gender Identify.
November 2021:
- New Standard added. When withdrawing or transferring a student to ensure parent/guardian contacts are intact.
July 16th, 2021:
- Program of Study information was updated
May 30th, 2021:
- Enrollment, Withdraw and Historical code information was updated
March 10th, 2020:
- Links updated in Student Records
- Replaced Graduation Transition and DPA with Certificates of Graduation
- Added resource links under Medical Alert in Enrollment Section
February 6, 2020:
- Links updated in Privacy and Security Section
- Links updated in the Enrollment Section
November 27, 2019:
- Print Mode added to Standards Manual on landing page with date and time stamp information included
September 24, 2019:
- Standard included in Withdrawal to NOT CHECK Keep in Special Education. Two graphic images added to support standard
September 6, 2019:
- Standards included for Safety Alert (SA) Field In MyEducation BC in Student Record section
April 6, 2019:
- Student Records > Permanent Student Record (PSR) cards > Inclusion updated
- Enrollment > Registration > Alerts entered by the office > graphic added regarding inclusion
October 5, 2018:
- New Membership Side Tab and Language and Culture standards added to Data Maintenance
- Further clarification on Active No Primary status added to Enrollment > Ending Cross-Enrollment > Active No Primary Students
- New standards on Proof of Residence, Proof of Age, Grades and Subgrades, and Parent/Guardian checkbox added to Enrollment > Registration > Enter Demographic Data
- Adjusting Course Credits standard added to School Settings > Selecting Courses for Use — District or School
July 27, 2018:
- Data Maintenance updated with new standards for record and account management, and miscellaneous student information fields
- Homeschooled Students subgrade and inclusion records information added to Enrollment > Registration
- Programs information moved from School Settings to Student Records, and information added regarding pre-transition of SCCP students
- Enrollment > Registration > Alerts updated to reflect current ELL alert functionality
- Updates to Inclusive Education.
- New “Secondary School Association” sub-section created in Enrollment section based on former “Cross-Enrollment” sub-section
- Information regarding District Online Learning Schools (DOLS) exception reason field usage
- Registration section updates of Updating Existing Information, Contacts, Entry Codes in MyEducation BC, and Personal Education Number (PEN), Student Alerts, Moving Students with Secondary School Associations, and Student Transfers sub-sections
- Updated Inclusive Education section
- Added new hyperlinks to Children and Youth in Care (CYIC) resources
- Updated link in Withdrawal chapter to Ministry Permanent Student Record information
- New Children and Youth in Case (CYIC) Section Added to Student Records Chapter
- Updated Privacy and Security Roles Section
- Attendance absence reason codes information added
- Permanent Student Records section updated to reflect new inclusion record workflow
- Updated URL provided for Provincial Letter Grades Order in Student Achievement section
- On-line Privacy training course was updated to reflect the November 2021 FOIPPA Amendments
- Data Maintenance: Change History Log Retention added
- Cross Enrollment updated to include information about Secondary School Responsibilities
- Transcript Record Changes: Historical Credit Records updated
- Data Maintenance: Dip/SCCP and Years of ELL added
- Admissions: Verify Identity and Eligibility updated
- School Changes at Semester Change updated
- Update to Enter Demographic Data to include details around mononyms and repair the links
- Update to Pre-registered Students
- Final Grades updated
- Withdrawal Code: Graduated – Dogwood updated When To Use
- Preferred Gender field renamed to Gender Identify.
- New Standard added. When withdrawing or transferring a student to ensure parent/guardian contacts are intact.
- Program of Study information was updated
- Enrollment, Withdraw and Historical code information was updated
- Links updated in Student Records
- Replaced Graduation Transition and DPA with Certificates of Graduation
- Added resource links under Medical Alert in Enrollment Section
- Links updated in Privacy and Security Section
- Links updated in the Enrollment Section
- Print Mode added to Standards Manual on landing page with date and time stamp information included
- Standard included in Withdrawal to NOT CHECK Keep in Special Education. Two graphic images added to support standard
- Standards included for Safety Alert (SA) Field In MyEducation BC in Student Record section
- Student Records > Permanent Student Record (PSR) cards > Inclusion updated
- Enrollment > Registration > Alerts entered by the office > graphic added regarding inclusion
- New Membership Side Tab and Language and Culture standards added to Data Maintenance
- Further clarification on Active No Primary status added to Enrollment > Ending Cross-Enrollment > Active No Primary Students
- New standards on Proof of Residence, Proof of Age, Grades and Subgrades, and Parent/Guardian checkbox added to Enrollment > Registration > Enter Demographic Data
- Adjusting Course Credits standard added to School Settings > Selecting Courses for Use — District or School
- Data Maintenance updated with new standards for record and account management, and miscellaneous student information fields
- Homeschooled Students subgrade and inclusion records information added to Enrollment > Registration
- Programs information moved from School Settings to Student Records, and information added regarding pre-transition of SCCP students
- Enrollment > Registration > Alerts updated to reflect current ELL alert functionality
The MyEducation BC Standards Manual was created to safeguard student information within the MyEducation BC system, ensuring it remains consistent with Ministry policy and legislation, and enables school districts across the province to easily manage shared students. It outlines standards and procedures required for the management of student data, as well as key areas where district-specific decisions are required.
Recognizing the need for common data entry standards across the province, the Operations and Standards Committee (OSC) developed the Standards Manual. Initially driven by Ministry of Education policy, the manual has evolved as additional needs and updates have been identified. Originally a PDF document, the Standards Manual was first published in December, 2015 after approval by the Service Management Council, who has delegated the authority to update the manual to the OSC. Two annual editions of the Standards Manual in its PDF form were created before it was moved online to allow for increased flexibility and timeliness.
Operations and Standards Committee
The Operations and Standards Committee (OSC) is a standing advisory committee of the Service Management Council (SMC). OSC provides recommendations to the SMC Executive Committee and advice to the MyEducation BC team regarding the standardization of business practices, common operational procedures, schedules, security and privacy procedures, software configuration, and coding within MyEducation BC, and manages the MyEducation BC Standards Manual. Supported by staff at the Ministry of Education, OSC is led by a chair from the SMC Executive Committee and its members represent the diverse school districts across the province.
Updating the Manual
Updates to the Standards Manual are decided upon by the OSC, who meets weekly to discuss and review suggested changes from the field, those referred by other SMC committees, or updates identified as required due to system updates or policy changes. School district staff may submit suggestions to the OSC using the contact form.
Standards Manual
This manual outlines standards and procedures required for the management of student data. Information has been categorized to make it easier to navigate and view. For questions, please contact us.
Protecting personal information of students and staff within MyEducation BC
- Protecting information
- Security roles

Privacy and Security
Supporting student learning in diverse classrooms
- Inclusive education plans
- Designations
- Reporting

Inclusive Education
Contact Us
Privacy and Security Roles
The protection of the personal information of students and staff within MyEducation BC is critical, and privacy issues are a top priority for schools, school boards, and the Ministry of Education.
The baseline security roles defined in MyEducation BC are intended to address a variety of user types within districts and to maintain student and staff privacy. Functionality in MyEducation BC allows the mass assignment of roles to users based on staff types. More than one security role can be attached to a single user. Districts can customize these roles to suit their district needs.
Districts will develop a policy for assignment of roles within the district with close attention to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA) rules and guidelines. The information provided here is to help in forming district policy. Users should only be provided with only the access and the roles that are required for their specific work and needs within MyEducation BC.
On registration, a parent or guardian signs a form allowing the collection of personal information. The expectation is that the information provided will be used for educational program and administrative purposes, and when required, may be provided to health services, social services, or support services and that the information collected on this form will be protected consistent with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
Information collected by schools may only be used for administrative purposes and the education program of the student. The information should not be available to people unless it’s directly needed for these purposes.
Districts are responsible for training all users in FOIPPA practices. It’s recommended that all users review Protecting Information, which is an online training resource on privacy and protecting information that can be accessed by all districts (and any member of the public).

Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
School Act (section 170: Student personal information)
MyEducation BC Documentation: Security Management (Available on the L1 Information Station within MyEducation BC)
Processes regarding the admission, registration, cross-enrolment, withdrawal, and transfer of students.
- Enrollment
- Admission
- Verify Identity and Eligibility
- Obtain Parental Verification
- Obtain Consent for Information Use
- Registration
- Search for Duplicate Student Records
- Updating Existing Information
- Enter Demographic Data
- Contacts
- Enrollment Information (Membership Side Tab)
- Entry Codes in MyEducation BC
- Personal Education Number (PEN)
- Pupil Number
- Student Alerts
- Confidential Student Flag
- Out of Catchment Students
- Home Schooled Students
- Secondary School Association
- Primary School (School of Record)
- Primary School Responsibilities
- Secondary School Responsibilities
- Secondary Association Standards
- Ending Secondary Student Association
- DOLS Exemption and DOLS Reason Fields
- Withdrawal
- Withdrawal Checklist
- Withdraw Codes in MyEducation BC
- Historical Codes removed from the list and no longer in use
- Deceased Student
- Transfer
- Moving Between Districts
- Transfer Process Within District
- Moving Students with Secondary School Associations
- School Changes at Semester Change
- Next School Value
Enrollment includes the processes of admission, registration, adding a Secondary School Association (cross-enrollment), withdrawing, and transferring a student in MyEducation BC.
Verify Identity and Eligibility
Districts develop policy and practices for verifying identity and eligibility.
There are two fields in MyEducation BC to enter reference to the documentation used to verify identity and eligibility: Proof of Age and Proof of Address. The Proof of Age prints in the Verification box on the Permanent Student Record
The following links provide information for districts

Obtain Parental Verification
It’s recommended that the registration form include a statement similar to the following:
- “The information on this form is collected under the authority of the School Act, Section 13 and 79. The information provided will be used for educational program and administrative purposes, and when required, may be provided to health services, social services or support services as outlined in Section 79(2) of the School Act. The information collected on this form will be protected consistent with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. If you have any questions about the information recorded on this form, please contact your School Administrator.”
Obtain Consent for Information Use
If the school or district plans to make the information collected available in a recognizable form to any service provider or third party for reasons other than that for which the information was originally collected, the parent or guardian must sign a separate consent form (e.g., media release consent). For that consent to be meaningful, parents or guardians should have the opportunity to review the information and know what they are consenting to.
Consent must be renewed each time information is provided to a service provider or third party for a different reason. Districts and schools may choose to do this by informing parents or guardians that consent will be carried over from one year to the next unless the parent or guardian requests removal of consent. If consent is to be carried over, parents or guardians must be made aware of any changes in information-sharing practices in writing and then be given the opportunity to renew or deny consent.
If consent is not obtained, the student’s information must not be provided to any service providers or third parties for reasons other than those for which it was originally collected.
Registration is the process of entering student data to create a single student record in MyEducation BC. Registration happens each time a student is associated with a “primary school”, also known as the “school of record.” Correctly following the registration processes will ensure better-quality data and greater efficiency for all current and future MyEducation BC users. Users should ensure that information has been entered accurately in all fields prior to leaving the registration wizard. All information entered should use the appropriate upper and lower case letters.
Search for Duplicate Student Records
MyEducation BC will contain only one record for each student. When a student moves from one school to another, access to that record changes — a new record is not created each time a student moves.

To eliminate the possibility of creating a duplicate student record, a search must be conducted for every new student seeking admission to a MyEducation BC school. Use the Registration Wizard to search the MyEducation BC database for an existing record to determine if the student has been previously admitted into MyEducation BC. Search by legal last name, gender, and birthdate to identify any previously entered records. In order to get the best results, do not use first name in your search. Note that pop-up blockers must be turned off on the workstation in order for the wizard to work.
No MyEducation BC Record
If MyEducation BC does not have a record for the student, contact their last school to confirm that the student has withdrawn and to request a copy of their record. If the student has been withdrawn from a BC school that uses MyEducation BC, there will be a record in the database — return to the Registration Wizard and conduct your search again. If you are certain the student has been in MyEducation BC, continue searching until the record is found.
If the student has never attended a BC school that uses MyEducation BC, enter the information from the legal documentation and the school registration form in the Registration Wizard to create a new student record in MyEducation BC. Student records in MyEducation BC should be made as complete as possible. When enrolling students who have come from another jurisfiction in MyEducation BC for the first time, enter all available enrollment history (Membership Side Tab). Any grade 10-12 courses not in MyEducation BC can be entered from available documentation.
Archived Records Students who are over five years of age and have been inactive in MyEducation BC for more than four years are archived. If a new student fits the criteria to have a record in the archives, use the Flag for Retrieval function to bring the record back in to MyEducation BC. This process is an overnight process. Once the record is retrieved, register the student as usual.
Existing MyEducation BC Record
If the student already exists in MyEducation BC and has withdrawn from the previous school, select the student from the Student Pick List. As the enrollment status will be withdrawn, the student is then added to the new school. Update the demographic fields as needed and where legal documentation exists for name changes.

Withdraw students within one business day.
If the student already exists in MyEducation BC but is not withdrawn, contact the previous school to withdraw the student and release or forward any records. The release of the record should occur within one business day of receiving the request. If a student is leaving your school for another school, it is important to withdraw the student immediately so the next school can begin tracking the student. When you withdraw, create a Former School Association, which will allow you to update any records you created for the student after they have moved.
Once the record is released, the student can be registered.
If a student has a status of PreReg, contact the other school to determine which school should have the student record. Never register a pre-registered student without communication between schools.
If a student requests cross-enrollment (i.e., concurrent registration at more than one school), create a Secondary School Association. This process requires a parent or guardian signature on a registration request. The student can be enrolled immediately, as no release is required from the primary school.
If a student record exists in MyEducation BC, but the current school of registration does not use MyEducation BC. Contact the school listed in MyEducation BC as the student’s school of record or cross-enrollment school for the student and request them to release the student. If they are not able to release the student in MyEducation BC, request the current school of registration to contact their L1 to release the student.
Updating Existing Information
Update the student’s information only if there is new legal documentation verifying that change is necessary. For example, if Citizenship and Immigration Canada corrects information on an official immigration document that had contained an error. In this case, the student will have to provide new, corrected immigration papers in order to have a change made. A copy of this documentation should be kept in the student file and an inclusion record should be added (for more information on inclusions, see Student Records > Permanent Student Record (PSR) Cards).
If the student’s name has been changed officially, the student must provide a copy of the court order approving the legal change of name or a legal name change certificate. A copy must be kept on file in the office. When changing legal name information, the Ministry of Education requires a copy of the legal documentation supporting the change.
If a student requests changes to their demographic information, the school should obtain written confirmation from the parent or guardian to ensure that the information is correct. If the student has reached the age of 19, no parental confirmation is required.

No one should register a student with the status of PREREG without having a conversation with the other school.
Pre-registered Students
MyEducation BC allows you to register students who will be coming to your school in the future. This allows schools to create schedules for future students. Because pre-registered students are not active in their new school until next year, it is possible for a school to query and register a student who has already pre-registered at another school. When this happens, the student disappears from the pre-registration list at the first school and is registered at the new school.
The standard practice for all schools is that no one should register a student with the status of PreReg without having a conversation with the other school. If it is decided that the student is actually going to attend the other school, the first school needs to withdraw the student with the code “No Show” in order for the membership record and PSR to be correct. Phone communication is required.
Enter Demographic Data
Collect student demographic information by completing the required fields in the MyEducation BC Registration Wizard — required entries are indicated with a red asterisk.

Legal Last Name
MyEducationBC requires a value in the Legal Last Name field.
International or foreign students who have a “Canadian name” should have the Canadian name entered in the Usual Name field, not in brackets in the Legal Name field.
Students with mononyms - use the Legal Last Name field to enter the mononym and enter an '(apostrophe) in the Legal First Name to denote this a mononym. The note field can be used to explain if this is a Legal First or Legal Last on the Legal ID. Use the Usual Name Field to record preferred student names.
Date of Birth
- This must reflect the information on the acceptable official document.
- If a student submits a passport, use the birthdate on it.
- On the Record of Landing, Study Permits, and Confirmation of Permanent Residence forms, the date of birth is clearly stated under “Date of Birth” or “Date de Naissance.” These forms use the format of day/month/year.
- MyEducation BC allows multiple methods for entering the date. The MyEducation BC standard for dates, once entered, is dd/mm/yyyy, e.g., 31/12/2005.
Proof of Age
Proof of a student's age is required when registering them in BC schools for the first time. MyEducation BC has two fields in Student Details to support this: Date of Birth and Proof of Age. Date of Birth is a system required field. Completing the Proof of Age field checks the Proof of Age box on the PSR. Both fields must be completed for all students.
- Should be entered as it appears on the official document.
- Gender is shown in Box 8 on the immigration papers and is indicated by the number 1 (male) or 2 (female).
Gender Identity (Optional)
- This is an optional district-owned field that may be populated by a district by adding gender identity values to the District Gender Identity Reference Table.
- Information should be entered as decided by district policy.

Address Fields
All addresses entered into MyEducation BC should conform to Canada Post conventions where possible to minimize data quality issues.
There are some exceptions that do not fit the Canada Post conventions. MyEducation BC allows those exceptions to be recorded, e.g., 2121 Broadway or 212 Highway 18, etc.
Students may not be able to provide an address when they apply for admission to school. For example, a student may apply in the spring for admission the next school year, knowing they will be moving during the summer. To permit processing of the information necessary to schedule the student, schools are all asked to enter the address as “000 Unknown St.” This must be cleaned up in the regular student verification process in the fall when confirming proof of address to ensure the student is ordinarily resident in BC.
The "Proof of Address" field should be completed. This is a helpful field in case of audit.
Proof of Address/Residence
In order to be eligible for free public education in BC, a student and their parent or legal guardian must be “ordinarily resident” in the province. On registration, a student’s type of proof of residence should be entered in the Proof of Address/Residence field in Student Details.
Grades and Subgrades
All students in MyEducation BC are assigned a Grade Level. Some students will also be assigned a Subgrade.
HS |
1701 |
Home School — students whose parents provide their educational program and who are registered with your school |
KF |
1701 |
Kindergarten — this is the only valid grade code for kindergarten |
EU |
1701 |
Elementary Ungraded — elementary students who are taking courses across multiple grade levels and are not considered to be in a specific grade |
SU |
1701 |
Secondary Ungraded — high school students who are taking courses across multiple grade levels and are not considered to be in a specific grade |
GA |
1701 |
Graduated Adult — an adult student who has graduated in BC or another jurisdiction |
AD |
Adult Grad — student on the Adult Graduation Program who is expected to graduate this year |
AN |
Adult Non Grad — student on the Adult Graduation Program who is not expected to graduate this year |
GR |
MyEdBC |
Graduated — student who has met the requirements of a graduation program. If a graduate returns to school, the subgrade can be changed to GA or SU. When that student withdraws or finishes their program, the subgrade should be changed back to GR for an accurate enrollment record. The diploma granted date should coincide with the student's original completion of graduation requirements. |
Language and Culture
Complete the "Band of Residence" field for students living on reserve. This is a required field for 1701.
Parent/Guardian Checkbox
The "Parent/Guardian?" checkbox is used to indicate custody and guardianship. Care should be taken to ensure the checkbox is properly used in unique situations.
Contacts are added from the Student Top Tab and Contacts Side Tab. Below are the contact types and descriptions. It is important to note that the contact area is where legal custody and the parent/guardian of a student are indicated. For students on a Temporary or Continuing Custody Order, ensure that the correct contact type is selected and that the Guardian check box is selected. A guardian is defined as a person who has parental authority. Any student who has a guardian other than both parents will also need a Legal Alert entered and a legal document in their student file. The Legal Alert is not automatically generated in MyEducation BC

Note that when you enter a parent/guardian contact for a student, use the picklist to search for a parent/guardian contact that may already exist in MyEducation BC. Schools and districts should try to link contacts for students where the person is a parent/guardian. Example: P1 is parent to students S1 and S2 but a friend to S3. Recommend linking the parent records between S1 and S2 but not S3. This allows schools/districts to manage parent accounts and change information for parent records more efficiently.

“Sam and Alice Smith” is not a recommended contact because it represents two individuals. Schools should create separate records for each contact.
The minimum information needed for a contact is First Name, Last Name, and Home Phone. More complete information is recommended.
When a parent requests changes to student contact information, delete the outdated contact and add a new one.
If the contact shares an address with another person (student, family member, etc.) use the shared address function to connect them.
Continuing Custody Order |
When a student is on a Continuing Custody Order they will have a Continuing Custody Order contact who will usually also be the guardian. A legal document and PSR inclusion are likely necessary. |
Emergency Contact |
Contact for short term local emergencies who would be able to pick up the student and care for them if the parent or guardian is unavailable. |
Out of District Contact |
Contact for longer term local emergencies who would likely be unaffected by the emergency and be able to pick up the student and care for them if the parent or guardian is unavailable. |
Temporary Custody Order |
When a student is on a Temporary Custody Order they will have a Temporary Custody Order contact who will usually also be the guardian. A legal document and PSR inclusion may be necessary. |
Regular Contact |
Non-emergency contact. Parents are Regular Contacts in the system. |
Contact Priority
Contacts in MyEducation BC need to be given a priority number in order to work correctly with the BC Student Information Verification Form.
- Don’t use emergency contact priority “0”
- Do assign each contact a unique emergency priority number
- Do assign contacts with parent/guardian authority the top priority positions (e.g., 1, 2)
- Do ensure that the box is checked for contacts with parent authority (parents, guardians, CCO)
- Do ensure that parents are listed as contact type “regular contact”
- Do ensure that emergency contacts are designated with contact type “emergency contact”
- If medical contacts are collected, designate with contact type “other” and assign to 99
- Do ensure out of district contacts are designated with contact type “out of district”

When withdrawing or transferring a student, please ensure that the parent/guardian contacts are intact.
With these rules, the student verification report will pull the correct contacts in the order you have listed them. If a contact has type CCO and the parent authority box is checked, the CCO contact will appear under the parent heading of the verification form.
With these rules, emergency contact field sets (which are limited to three contacts) will include the parents.
Contacts identified as “other contact” will not print on the BC Student Information Verification form.
Parents identified as “regular contact” who do not have parental authority checked will not print on the BC Student Information Verification form.

Do not update an existing contact record to be re-used by a new contact always create a new contact record for a new contact.
Updating Contacts
When a parent requests changes to a contact record such as phone number, email, address, update the contact record as needed. If the contact is linked across schools, contact the other school to ensure that the other school(s) have the same information. Example: Contact C1 has changed their address, C2 has changed their last name, C3 is no longer required as a contact, and the parent requests a new contact C4 to be added. The recommendation in this example is to edit C1 and C2, remove C3, and add C4.
Shared Addresses
Students generally live in a home with other people. These contacts should be linked to the student using the shared address function. This allows the office to automatically update all linked addresses by changing only one of them. It’s important to unlink addresses if there is a change in address sharing.
Related Students
Students can be linked to their siblings using the related student side tab. This is useful in emergencies where you need to contact a sibling at a different school or where siblings have different last names. If the information is known at registration, it can be entered using the Registration Wizard.
Deceased Parent or Contact
Remove a deceased parent or contact from the contact list, and add a memo to the student record, if needed. If a district wants to record deceased dates, add these to the memo field. Father Deceased Date and Mother Deceased Date fields are not needed by the system and should not be used. Alerts should not be used to communicate this information. Notification to teachers and counselors should occur through a more personal form of contact.
Enrollment Information (Membership Side Tab)
After registering a student in MyEducation BC, the enrolment information can be seen in the Membership Side Tab. Enrollment information includes:
- Type: Enter, Withdraw, Status Change, YOG Change (E, W, S, Y)
- Date: when the status is changed
- Code: Entry Code and Withdrawal Code
- Reason: not required
- Status: The enrollment status on the day the entry is made.
Inactive | Converted record from BCeSIS. |
Active | Currently enrolled in a school taking one or more courses. |
Active No Primary | Currently enrolled in a primary school (school of record) taking no courses, but also cross-enrolled in another school (taking one or more courses). |
Graduate | Graduated |
PreReg | Pre-registered for the purpose of scheduling for next year. Only used for students not active in a current year school and who have never been registered in a BC school (therefore, they do not have a MyEducation BC record). |
Withdrawn | Withdrawn, or not active. |
- EnrStatus: The student’s most recent enrollment status. This column should have the same status on all lines.
- Year of Graduation (YOG): Determines grade placement.
- School Name: Name of the school making the enrollment entry.
- Admission Status Code: Indicates if a home school is in BCeSIS. This field should no longer be used.
- PSR Grade: Grade the student was in when their status changed.
Entry Codes in MyEducation BC
MyEducation BC requires a code when a student enters your school. Use the following list of codes.
Admin Transfer In | Admin Transfer In | Transfer agreed to by administrators. |
Adult Learner | Adult Learner | Student is an adult coming to school. |
Exchange Program | Exchange Program | Student coming for a short exchange with one of your students. |
First Time Entry | First Time Entry | First time entry to a school system - most commonly StrongStart or Kindergarten. |
From DL | From Online Learning (Distributed Learning) | Student coming from a BC Online Learning (Distributed Learning) primary school. |
From Institution | From Institution | Student coming from any other BC type of institution, e.g. correctional, psychiatric, etc. |
From Previous School | From Previous School | Pre-Transition code (EOYR Process Use Only)/NOT FOR SCHOOL USE |
Indig School In Ds | From Indigenous Nation School, In District | Student coming from a BC indigenous nation school within your district boundaries. |
Indig School Out Ds | From Indigenous Nation School, Out of District | Student coming from a BC indigenous nation school outside your district boundaries. |
Indp School In Ds | From Independent School, In District | Student coming from a BC independent school within your district boundaries. |
Indp School Out Ds | From Independent School, Out of District | Student coming from a BC independent school outside your district boundaries. |
Public School In Ds | From Public School, In District | Student coming from a BC public school within your district boundaries. |
Public School Out Ds | From Public School, Out of District | Student coming from a BC public school outside your district boundaries. |
Re-entry No Interr. | Re-entry, No Interruption | Student mistakenly withdrawn and re-entered. |
Refugee | Refugee | Student arriving with Refugee status |
Returning Graduate | Returning Graduate | Graduated student returning. |
School Out of Prov | From School, Out of Province | Student coming from any kind of Canadian School outside of BC. |
School Outof Country | From School, Out of Country | Student coming from a school outside of Canada. |
StrongStart Centre | From StrongStart Centre | Student coming from a BC StrongStart Centre. |
Personal Education Number (PEN)

There is no manual entry of PEN numbers in MyEducation BC. PEN assignment occurs as follows:
- A PEN extract of students who need a PEN is automatically submitted to the Ministry’s PEN system each night.
- A PEN is automatically assigned to the student, or a PEN error is generated and sent to the school district’s PEN contact.
- If a duplicate student is created, they must be removed through a HEAT Service Request by the district L1. The PEN NULL Request is used. \
- There is an option available to districts for Real-Time PEN Request. This can be added on to L1 and school users via an add-on role.
Pupil Number
MyEducation BC generates a unique pupil number for each new student.
Student Alerts
Alert information is entered from information provided by the family during the registration process or in communication with the school staff. After adding an alert to a student, MyEducation BC creates a clickable icon for the alert.Other family or health information can be recorded as a Family or Health alert if appropriate.For further information, please refer to the “Enrollment and Demographics” support guide on the website.

Legal Alert
Medical Alert
When a Legal or Medical Alert is added an inclusion also needs to be completed. When the Alert is removed the inclusion Expiry Date is entered.
Legal Alert
- A legal alert is generated for any situation where legal documentation is on file,
e.g., Custody Orders, Restraining Orders, etc. - Requires legal documentation in the student file.
- A PSR inclusion record should be entered for legal alerts.
Medical Alert Medical alerts are for medically diagnosed, potentially life-threatening health conditions that may require emergency medical care.
- Medical alerts are for situations which are life threatening.
- Ensure the information about the student and the location of any required supplies
(e.g., EPI pen) is recorded in the Alert Description. - Ensure the required documentation for any medical issue is on file.
- A PSR inclusion record should be entered for medical alerts where documentation has been added to the student file.
ELL Alert
This alert is for students who are receiving ELL services. It is automatically added and deleted based on the start and end dates when the student is registered for an ELL program.
Designation Alert
This alert indicates that the student has a student services designation. This alert is automatically generated and deleted when a designation is assigned or removed.
The PLAN Alert appears when a student has an Active Plan created in the Student Services Module. An AIP Alert appears when a student has an Active Annual Instuction Plan created.

Memo Field
Use of this field for information is determined by the district.
Other Alerts – Family
This alert is for family issues that are not legal, e.g., parents separated.
Other Alerts – Information
This alert is for other pertinent information that is not legal or medical.
Other Alerts – Health
This alert is for medical and health issues that are not life threatening.
Confidential Student Flag
A confidential student flag can be enabled for students by entering a date in the Confidential Student Date field. Once the flag is enabled, students cannot be queried in the Register Student screen or the Student Siblings screen except by their primary school. The purpose of this flag is to ensure that student information is available to only the primary school in cases where the student’s privacy or safety is threatened. Examples of this include:
- Students in custody.
- Students in a transition house.
- Students who are under legal protection (Peace Bond or Restraining Order protecting them from someone).
- Students identified by administration as needing their privacy protected.
Districts should have guidelines around the use of this flag and use it only as needed in order to prevent inadvertent creation of duplicates. For example:
- Which students will be deemed confidential?
- Will these guidelines be documented and by whom?
- Who will have the security role assigned to check the flag and take it off?
- How will movement of the confidential student be communicated to the person responsible for the confidential flag security role?
School staff with this access must understand the implications of this functionality to ensure that duplicate students are not created. For example, if a student is moving to a new MyEducation BC school and the flag is checked, the new school will not be able to query for the new student until the flag is unchecked or the student is withdrawn (the confidential flag is automatically removed upon withdrawal). It’s very important that the flag be unchecked, the student be withdrawn, or some communication with the receiving school be made promptly so that duplicate student records are not created. If duplicates are created, a duplicate student report will be received, and the duplicate resolution process in HEAT must be followed. The receiving school will need to communicate with the previous school to have the confidential flag unchecked or the student withdrawn as soon as possible.
Occasionally a student has a more complex need for protection of their identity through a Witness Protection Program. The police will work directly with the school in these cases.
Out of Catchment Students
Students who are attending a school Out of Catchment can be indicated by a checkbox on the basic demographics page. There is also a drop down menu for students who are attending a school Out of District. Use of these indicators is determined by district policies and procedures. These two indicators can be pulled and used in quick reports for district purposes.
Home Schooled Students
Students who register at a school as home schooled have an active status in MyEducation BC. Home schooled students should have a regular Grade Level and a Grade Sublevel of HS. They should also have an inclusion added to their Permanent Student Record — see "Permanent Student Record (PSR) Cards" under Student Records for more information on adding inclusion records.
Secondary School Association
A student may concurrently register at more than one school. Previously known as "cross-enrollment", this definition is more accurately known in MyEducation BC as "Secondary School Association." MyEducation BC permits the schools involved to share access to the student's record.
Each student must have a primary school (commonly referred to as the student's "school of record.")
Current Definitions from Ministry of Education / Online Learning BC:
Cross Enrollment (Grades 8-12) - Enrolment in more than one Board or Authority during a school year.
Dual Enrollment (Grades 8-12) - Enrols in two or more schools/education programs in a single Board or Authority during a school year.
Out of District Enrollment (K-12) - Enrolment by a Board of a student who resides in another Board's school district.
Primary School (School of Record)
It's the student's choice which school or schools to attend. The primary school (school of record) is the school where the majority of courses are taken. There are cases when the student has finished courses in their primary school but is still enrolled in a secondary school. In this case, the primary school can set the enrollment status to Active No Primary. This will allow the student to finish their courses in the secondary school (often an online school) and maintain their primary school where they have taken the majority of their courses. The primary school name is printed on graduation documents.
Primary School Responsibilities
For grades K – 7, the primary school is responsible for reporting the student to the Ministry of Education, using Ministry reporting processes. It's up to the school boards or independent school authority involved in a secondary student association student's education program to work out an agreement as to any transfer of funding as required.
The primary school is responsible for the overall educational program of the student and for tracking their progress through to graduation.
For grades K – 7, the primary school is responsible for producing a Learning Update (report card) for the student. Learning Update (report card) (contain information from all schools. For grades 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Secondary Ungraded, and Graduated Adult, schools are responsible for preparing Learning Update (report card) for the courses taken at their school.
Secondary schools may also prepare Learning Update (report card).
Records for secondary student association students in both MyEducation BC and non-MyEducation BC schools should be sent to the primary school for input into the system.
Primary schools should not end another schools secondary school associations.
Secondary School Responsibilities
The secondary school is responsible for:
- Enrolling and End dating the Secondary School Association
- Scheduling the student, including:
- Removing the course from the student's schedule when the course is complete, or the student has withdrawn
- Managing the student’s MyEducation BC transcript record for Secondary School Association courses, this includes:
- Populating all course dates in the transcript record,
- Populating the final mark column with acceptable values where appropriate, and
- Notifying the Primary School when the student completes courses at the Secondary School to support sending marks to the Ministry.
- Maintaining a Former School Association, if necessary.
Secondary Association Standards
Students are enrolled in a primary school and may have Secondary School Associations to one or more schools. When a student has a Secondary School Association, a secondary student association alert is created indicating where the student has a secondary student association. The school identified as the primary school is responsible for the student record and any changes to it, except for the part of the record directly related to the secondary student association, e.g., attendance and marks for the secondary student association courses.
The Secondary School Association function is to be used for secondary student association students with courses in two or more schools. Secondary School Associations are most often initiated by the secondary school using the Create Secondary School Association function.

Secondary School Associations should be created for active students only.
Students needing to be enrolled for planning and course scheduling purposes for the upcoming school year, should not be using the secondary student association process. Instead they should have a Next School assigned in their demographic record, or have an enrollment status of PreReg if they are not yet active in a MyEducation BC school, e.g., next year’s kindergarten students who are not registered at a BC Strongstart Centre.
Secondary School Association should not be used for normal movement of students between schools. The primary school should withdraw the student, which will allow the new primary school to register the student. If the primary school cannot be contacted, contact the district L1 so they can contact the L1 in the other district to withdraw the student. Schools should make every effort to communicate with each other and handle withdrawals in a timely manner.
If a student is being enrolled or withdrawn to or from a secondary school, the secondary school enrols or withdraws the Secondary School Association and informs the primary school.
Ending Secondary Student Association
Never end a secondary student association at another school. The secondary student association record belongs to the secondary school. The primary school should notify the secondary school(s) when the student withdraws from the primary school.
Active No Primary Students
When a student withdraws from their primary school and they have an active Secondary School Association, their status becomes Active No Primary and their membership record indicates W and Active No Primary. Active no Primary status should only be used for students whose graduation is imminent.
When the student has completed or withdrawn at the secondary school, the secondary school notifies the primary school to support sending grades to the Ministry, and ends the student Secondary School Association. The primary school should then re-withdraw the student to reset the student status to withdrawn or graduated.
Active No Primary status should not extend longer than one school year after the student has left their Primary school. If a student fails to complete his/her course work at the Secondary School within one school year of finishing at his/her Primary School, and/or fails to notify the Primary School of course completion, the Primary School can request that the Secondary School take over the student’s record. The previous Secondary School will now become the student’s Primary School.
In short, Active No Primary status is:
- only for finishing off a graduation program that is near completion
- temporary
- should be reviewed regularly for each student
Active No Primary is not:
- for students who have substantial work to complete
- to extend past one school year except in extenuating circumstances
DOLS Exemption and DOLS Exempt Reason Fields
- Student top tab > Details side tab > Addresses top tab
- MyEdBC restricts the ability of a DOLS to Enrol or create a ‘Secondary School Association’ for students whose postal code is outside of their District’s catchment area.
- The ‘DOLS Exemption’ checkbox exists to allow a DOLS to bypass this restriction if necessary. Once the ‘DOLS Exemption’ checkbox is checked, the DOLS can Enrol or complete the ‘Secondary School Association’ for that student.
- Only ‘Primary’ schools can edit these fields. Therefore, a DOLS school requiring the ‘DOLS Exemption’ to be checked will need to contact the student’s ‘Primary’ school to ask them to check the ‘DOLS Exemption’ check box and fill in the ‘DOLS Exempt Reason’ if applicable.
DOLS Exemption and DOLS Exempt Reason Fields Standards:
- The ‘Primary’ school must check the ‘DOLS Exemption’ box and fill in a ‘DOLS Exempt Reason’ at the request of a DOLS school as soon as possible. The ‘Primary’ school must also uncheck the ‘DOLS Exemption’ box and remove or update the ‘DOLS Exempt Reason’ at the request of a DOLS school.
- ‘Primary’ non-DOLS schools should leave these fields alone unless a specific request comes from a DOLS.
When a student withdraws from a MyEducation BC School, the Date entered on the Withdraw Student pop up is the last day the student attended the school. The student’s MyEducation electronic record will be accessible until the remainder of the school year if Create former school association is checked. It is then possible to use the Former Students filter for actions such as updating a student transcript record and/or running a report card. Refer to Registration section for details regarding Archived Records.
Ministry informaton regarding withdrawn or graduated students is detailed in the Permanent Record Instructions:
Schools may find it useful practice to print the BC Student Withdrawal Form for students to take around to staff at the the school to help ensure their student record in MyEducation can be accurately updated by the office before the withdrawal process is completed.
Withdrawal Checklist

Be sure to check with secondary schools to determine whether to disable portal accounts.
When a student is withdrawing from a school, data must be tidied up before the withdraw takes place because only the school that entered some of the data can change or delete it.
Withdrawal begins with a form filled out and signed by parent, or an email or a verbal statement noted with a date if the school is unable to get the withdrawal form completed.
Schools may also want to print the BC Student Withdrawal Form for students to take around to staff at the school and return to the office. This form can help schools determine that the record in MyEducation BC is correct before completing the withdraw process.
When withdrawing or transferring a student, ensure parent/guardian contacts are intact.
- Remove fees.
- Update transcript record.
- Remove the Homeroom.
- End date all programs (except designations) you have assigned to the student unless they will be continuing through a Secondary School Association.
- Update conduct records and remove according to your district policies.
- Consider disabling related user accounts for students and contacts
- Update PSR inclusions.
- Remove locker information.
- Remove bus information.
- Remove student group memberships.
- Remove journal information according to district policy.
- Remove Next School > Name.
- Check Membership &gr; Enrollment & Schools Tab.
- Enter PSR grade in membership record.
- Withdraw the student and create a Former School Association.
- Check the “Former” Student Filter to ensure that the student appears (anytime between September – July of the current school year).
- View the Permanent Student Record to ensure that all withdrawal information is correct.
- Modify the Withdrawal record in the membership side tab if necessary.

Do not end designations or cross-enrollments when withdrawing students.

If the contact is shared with another active student, the Contact User Account will not be disabled.

Do not check
'Keep student in special education'
Withdraw Codes in MyEducation BC
MyEducation BC requires a code when a student withdraws from your school — use the following list of codes. (Historical codes are included for reference only.)

For previously graduated students who are returning or continuing schooling, Graduated-Dogwood can be used again as the Withdraw code.
Admin Transfer Out | Admin Transfer Out | Transfer agreed to by administrators. |
Completion-Evergreen | School Completion Certificate Program | Student completes School Completion Certificate Program. |
Death | Death | Student death while registered at the school. |
Discontinued School | Discontinued Schooling (Non Grad) | Student stops attending school and does not return. |
Exchange Complete | Exchange Complete | Reciprocal exchange complete |
Expulsion | Expulsion | Student is expelled from school and does not return. |
Graduated - Dogwood | Graduated - Dogwood | Student completes requirements for 1995, 2004, 2018 Graduation Program or Adult Graduation. For previously graduated students from BC or another jurisdiction who are returning or continuing schooling, Graduated-Dogwood can be used again as the Withdraw code. |
Indig School In Dst | To Indigenous Nation School, In District | Student transfers to BC indigenous nation school within your district boundaries. |
Indig School Out Dst | To Indigenous Nation School, Out of District | Student transfers to BC indigenous nation school outside your district boundaries. |
Indp School In Dst | To Independent School, In District | Student transfers to BC independent school within your district boundaries. |
Indp School Out Dst | To Independent School, Out of District | Student transfers to BC independent school outside your district boundaries. |
Medical | Medical | Student cannot complete school due to illness or injury. |
Moved out of BC | Left Province | Student moves out of BC but school status is unknown. |
No Show | No Show | New student registers but does not show up when expected. Use other codes for existing students who do not return. |
Public School In Dst | To Public School, In District | Student transfers to BC public school within your district boundaries. |
PublicSchool Out Dst | To Public School, Out of District | Student transfers to a BC public school outside your district boundaries. |
School Out of Prov. | To School, Out of Province | Student moves to any kind of Canadian School outside of BC. |
School Out ofCountry | To School, Out of Country | Student transfers to a school outside of Canada. |
To DL | To Distristributed Learning | Student transfers to a BC Distributed Learning school as their primary school. |
To Institution | To Institution | Student transfers to any other BC type of institution, e.g. correctional, psychiatric, etc. |
To Next School | To Next School | Pre-Transition code (EOYR Process Use Only)/NOT FOR SCHOOL USE |
To Post Secondary Ed | To Post Secondary (Non Grad) | Student withdraws from school to go to university or college without graduating or completing a School Completing Certificate Program. |
Historical Codes
Entry and Withdraw Codes have been enforced and standardized for use on the Registration, Transfer and Withdraw Wizards. As a result, some codes were removed and new ones added to ensure an appropriate Entry (E) and Withdraw (W) code was distinctly available.
Previous Codes | Current Enrollment Codes | |||
1 | Administrative Trans | 1 | Admin Transfer In | E |
2 | Adult Learner | 2 | Admin Transfer Out | W |
3 | Completion-Evergreen | 3 | Adult Learner | E |
4 | Death | 4 | Completion-Evergreen | W |
5 | Discont. Schooling | 5 | Death | W |
6 | Distributed Learning | 6 | Discontinued School | W |
7 | DL School | 7 | Exchange Complete | W |
8 | Exchange Complete | 8 | Exchange Program | E |
9 | Expulsion | 9 | Expulsion | W |
10 | First Time Entry | 10 | First Time Entry | E |
11 | Graduated - Dogwood | 11 | From DL | E |
12 | Home Schooling | 12 | From Institution | E |
13 | Indep. SchoolInDs | 13 | From Previous School | EYOR |
14 | Indep. SchoolOutDs | 14 | Graduated - Dogwood | W |
15 | Indp School,Out Dist | 15 | Indig School In Ds | E |
16 | Indp School,Out Prov | 16 | Indig School In Dst | W |
17 | Indp. School,In Dist | 17 | Indig School Out Ds | E |
18 | Institution | 18 | Indig School Out Dst | W |
19 | Medical | 19 | Indp School In Ds | E |
20 | Moved out of BC | 20 | Indp School In Dst | W |
21 | No Show | 21 | Indp School Out Ds | E |
22 | Publ School,In Dist | 22 | Indp School Out Dst | W |
23 | Publ School,Out Cntr | 23 | Medical | W |
24 | Publ School,Out Dist | 24 | Moved out of BC | W |
25 | Public School InDs | 25 | No Show | W |
26 | Public School OutDs | 26 | Public School In Ds | E |
27 | Re-entry No Interr. | 27 | Public School In Dst | W |
28 | Refugee | 28 | Public School Out Ds | E |
29 | Returning Graduate | 29 | PublicSchool Out Dst | W |
30 | School OutofCountry | 30 | Re-entry No Interr. | E |
31 | SchoolOutPr | 31 | Refugee | E |
32 | StrongStart School | 32 | Returning Graduate | E |
33 | To Home Schooling | 33 | School Out of Prov | E |
34 | To Institution | 34 | School Out of Prov. | W |
35 | To Post Secondary Ed | 35 | School Out ofCountry | W |
36 | School Outof Country | E | ||
37 | StrongStart Centre | E | ||
38 | To DL | W | ||
39 | To Institution | W | ||
40 | To Next School | EYOR | ||
41 | To Post Secondary Ed | W |

Home Schooling is no longer a valid code.
Use Grade sub level HS

Comp. Gr 12, No Pass Independent School Matr, To Another Sch Moved, Not Known Program Completed Reached Maximum Age Reason Unknown To Alternate School To GED Program
Deceased Student
If a student dies, they are withdrawn; the withdrawal code is Death. This code is not to be used for any other reason. If not withdrawn and the deceased student had a sibling, they would show up on their sibling’s student verification form. Withdrawn students no longer show up on the student verification form. It is good practice to remove sibling connections to ensure that the deceased student does not accidently show up on any reports.
Districts can assign the ability to transfer students between schools within the same district using Security Roles. It’s important that users who are assigned transfer responsibility are familiar with the provincial standards.
Secondary School Association should never be used for normal movement of students between schools. See Cross-enrollment for more information on when to use Secondary School Association.
Moving Between Districts
To move a student between schools in different districts use the Withdraw process from one school and the Enrollment process to the next school.
Transfer Process Within District
Users with assigned Security Roles have the ability to transfer students from one school to another within a district. Refer to the MyEducation BC guide “Enrollment Management and Student Demographics” for instructions. The Transfer process maintains a student's enrollment in Student Services.

This process is used for in-district transfers only because it maintains a student’s enrollment in Student Services, which is a district-specific enrollment. The new district will review the student’s enrollments at their new school.
Moving Students with Secondary School Associations
Students with Secondary School Associations are moved using the Withdraw & Admit function.
- Clear the student’s schedule in the primary school and Withdraw ensuring you check the “Create Former School Association” box. This creates a W record in the Membership Enrollment Record and a Former School Association. The student becomes Active No Primary.
- The secondary school can now admit and register the student. This creates an E record in the Membership Enrollment Record and end dates the Secondary School Association. Existing courses are kept through the process.
The Withdrawal process Exits a student from the Student Services module.
School Changes at Semester Change
The Next School function of MyEducation BC should be used for semester change for scheduling purposes only.
The current school should
- Print and then remove any course requests for the next school year
- Enter the new school’s name in the Next School field.
- Enter final marks and print or publish report card at any time

Cross-enrollment should not be used for the purpose of semester change transfers within a district.

Student movement should not be delayed due to printing or publishing report cards.
The new school should
- Use the filter for Next Year’s Students to find the student and create a semester two schedule.
- If the student is going to be Withdrawn rather than Transferred, make a copy of the student’s schedule as it will be dropped when the student is Withdrawn.
The current school should:
- Withdraw or Transfer the student on the last day the student attends or at the end of semester one.
- Create a Former School Association for the purpose of updating records after the student has changed schools.
- If necessary final marks can be entered and the report card can be printed or publish after the student record has been moved.
The new school should
- Enroll the student and recreate the schedule if necessary.
Next School Value
Schools should not use OOP or OOC as the next school for Pre Transition because the student records will not accessible after EOYR. Instead, leave next school blank and check Withdraw at EOY for students who are leaving the BC school system.
Student Records
Collecting, storing, and reporting information on student performance.
- Attendance Absence Reason Codes
- Student Achievement
- Processes
- Mark Set-up
- Challenge Credit
- Equivalent Credit
- Final Grades
- Aegrotat Standing
- Transcript Record Changes
- Deleting Course Records
- Adding Course Records
- Historical Credit Records
- Adding Assessment Records
- Transcript Definitions
- Course Attributes
- Mark Input Parameters
- Graduating Students
- Diploma Granted Date
- Assessment and Standardized Testing
- Processes
- Provincial Exams
- SA
- Programs
- Assigning a Graduation Program (Program of Study)
- Pre-Transition of SCCP Students
- Permanent Student Record (PSR) cards
- Inclusions
- Certificates of Graduation
- Ministry Reporting
- 1701
- TRAX (Transcripts and Exams)
- SADE (Student Achievement Data Exchange)
- Class Organization
- Summer Learning
- 1701 and TRAX
- Attendance
Attendance Absence Reason Codes
Using the MyEducation BC enterprise attendance absence reason codes, please use the value which most closely reflects the reason for absence. "ParentGuardianExcuse" can be used if the parent/guardian has not provided a reason or if the reason is not listed. If a student is absent without parent contact, please leave the reason blank.
The MyEducation BC enterprise attendance absence reason codes include:
- ParentGuardianExcuse
- Illness
- Vacation
- Appointment
- Alternate Program
- Cultural Activity
- Emergency Closure
- Field Trip
- In School Activity
- School Authorized
- School Counsellor
- Principal/VP
- Suspension - In
- Suspension - Out
- Team Activity
- Transport/Bus Issue
- Weather
- Work Experience
Student Achievement
The Student Achievement area of MyEducation BC provides the format for collecting, storing, and reporting on student performance. Reports may be generated so that district and school staff may analyze their progress improving student achievement.
The Gradebook is used to gather information in detail about what the student has learned.
Final assessment information for reporting is entered into MyEducation BC either manually, or automatically using the Gradebook calculations linked to school-determined Transcript Definitions.
Historical records are created as final assessment information is posted so that a student’s progress through to diploma is available to the school of record and may be transferred with the student.
For reporting purposes, teachers can develop a bank of comments related to their subject area(s) and learning outcomes or create anecdotal comments. Teachers can also include comments from the school comment bank.
Mark Set-up
All reporting entries for grades K – 12 in MyEducation BC follow the provincial reporting order: :

Note: NM is not a provincial letter grade.
Challenge Credit
Credit may be granted for undocumented prior learning for Ministry-developed or BAA courses in grades 10, 11, or 12. For reporting and transcript purposes, schools must assign a letter grade and percentage to all credits awarded through challenge processes.
Equivalent Credit
Documented learning from outside the British Columbia school system that’s deemed equivalent to the learning outcomes of a Ministry-developed or BAA course in grades 10, 11, or 12 can be counted as credit.
Final Grades
The reporting of final grades or comments varies according to the grade level of the program or course:
Aegrotat Standing
Aegrotat standing is granted by the Ministry for students who will receive credit for an examinable course without writing the assessment because of significant medical reasons. The Handbook of Procedures for the Graduation Program outlines the qualification rules and the process schools should follow to have a student granted aegrotat standing.

Submit a school mark in the TRAX xam file for aegrotat students.
In MyEducation BC, register students granted aegrotat standing by the Ministry of Education in the course and have an assessment record created and submitted to TRAX in the xam file with a school mark.
Transcript Record Changes
Student records can be edited in MyEducation BC. Schools can edit, delete, or add courses to the transcript record. See the MyEducation BC TRAX documentation for instructions.
Deleting Course Records
After schools have prepared grade input or posted course dates, the transcript record is created for the course. When course changes are made or a student is withdrawn, an orphan record is left in the student transcript. Schools should only delete records they create.

Schools should only delete records they create.
MyEducation BC allows users to delete course records in the transcript. There are few circumstances where it’s advisable to delete courses:
- The school has prepared grade input too early, e.g., before mass course changes have completed at the start of the year.
- The course has no marks against it and has not been claimed for funding through the 1701 process.
- A second semester course has been changed to a new course.
When deciding whether to delete, consider:
- Have you received funding for the course?
- Is a new course replacing it?
- Has the student attended the course?
Schools should hold off on preparing grade input and posting course dates until they are satisfied that course changes are complete or they need to produce report cards or transcripts for students. A good time to do this is after 1701 has passed, just before running TRAX.
After grade input has been prepared, if students withdraw from courses, a mark of W should be assigned in the transcript record as a final mark except in the few cases outlined above.
Adding Course Records
There are some instances when schools must add records directly to the student transcript:
- equivalent credits from other jurisdictions
- courses completed at schools not using MyEducation BC
- challenge credits
- external credits
Historical Credit Records
When a student comes to a MyEducation BC School from another jurisdiction, the receiving school can update the student’s historical credit record by adding transcript records.
When adding a historical record, the School > Name field is the school at which the course was granted credit. For schools that are not within BC, use OOP (Out of Province) or OOC (Out of Country).
For schools that are within BC, but not listed in MyEducation BC use Other British Columbia Schools.
Adding Assessment Records
When a student writes an exam in a different year than they take the course, the exam should be requested manually through the Ministry’s exam registration process. When the results are returned, they should be entered manually in the assessment record for the course in the year the course was taken.
Transcript Definitions
Transcript definitions tell the Gradebook which columns it will have and what goes in each column, e.g., term grade, comment, final mark, performance standard, etc. Transcript Definitions are attached to a course in the Schedule Top Tab > Courses Side Tab. Transcript Definitions are set at the enterprise level and are based on current legislation regarding reporting student learning. Any change in Transcript Definitions is dealt with through a change request submitted to the Operations and Standards Committee (OSC).
Course Attributes
The Transcript Definition creates columns in the Gradebook for course attributes. These can be seen by selecting Post Columns – Course in the Grade Input area.
- Course Start Date (CrsStartDate) — the Term dates the course is scheduled in.
- Course End Date (CrsEndDate) — the Term dates the course is scheduled in.
- Actual Start Date (StartDate) — Used by DL schools — manual entry.
- Active Date (ActiveDate) — Used by DL schools — triggered by first Gradebook assignment entry or manually entered if not using the Gradebook for assignments.
- Percent Complete (%Complete) — Used by DL schools — manually entered.
- Completion Date (Completion) — Triggered when final mark is posted may need to be manually changed if post day is not completion date. Used by TRAX if populated.
Mark Input Parameters
The Transcript Definition specifies the number of terms, whether the terms are weighted, how marks are entered, and whether the course allows for work habits and/or comments. In some cases, the mark input parameters can be overridden by the teacher in Staff View.

Transcript Definitions cannot be changed after you have prepared grade input.
Once a definition is chosen and applied to a course, and the office has run “Prepare Grade Input,” the definition is set for the duration of the course.
Graduating Students
Diploma Granted Date
Districts should have a clear policy about entering the Diploma Granted Date for graduating students. Regardless of when a district enters the date, records must be updated when final exam results are uploaded and graduation is either confirmed or not achieved. If a non-graduating student is no longer available to your school after End of Year Rollover (EOYR), it is important to contact the new school so they can update the record. Note that filling in this date does not prompt graduation and that this date may not match the official Ministry transcript, which is generated by TRAX.
Assessment and Standardized Testing
The assessment section of MyEducation BC contains a combination of core and non-core information. All provincial assessments, including Graduation Literacy Assessment and Graduation Numeracy Assessment, are core. However, other standardized tests and assessment tools required by districts or schools will be entered in this section at the request of districts and independent school authorities through a HEAT request. This is done centrally to avoid duplication and to maintain a common coding for all MyEducation BC districts and schools.
The MyEducation BC database uses two similar terms in this section: Standardized Tests and Standard Tests. These terms are synonymous. Districts are not able to set any of the values in the code tables associated with Standardized Tests and cannot change any of the code values.
Districts and public or independent schools may adopt an assessment from the enterprise selection and then enter detailed assessment information relative to the district or school using the assessment.
The following assessment templates have been created in MyEducation BC to accommodate some district assessment data requirements:
- BC Reading Assessment: Grades 1 – 10
- BC Numeracy Assessment: Grades 1 – 10
- BC Writing Assessment: Grade 1
- BC Writing Assessment: Grades 2 – 10
- BC Social Responsibility Assessment: Grades 1 – 10
Choose Standardized Test/Assessment from the Administration menu.
Select the assessments your district will use. This is done through Administration/Standardized Test/District Standardized Tests. Select assessments from the provincial list and add to the district list.
Once the district list has been created, the school can create its own list by choosing Administration/Standardized Test/School Standardized Tests and following the same process.
Provincial Assessments
Assessment marks for provincial assessments are loaded into MyEducation BC by the province. Marks are loaded as sub-scores for the standard test — this will cause them to appear automatically on the Mark Entry screen. Once EOYR is run, these will then become a part of the student’s MyEducation BC transcript record.
Children and Youth in Care (CYIC)
Custody and Children in Care
Refer to the Enrollment section for standard practices around student registration and checking Parent Authority/Guardianship on student contact records.
Complete student record contacts as per school district processes. Add a Legal PSR as per provincial standards and district processes.

The Who has custody? is an additional field that districts may use and is visible in Staff View. Director is a term used in the Child Family and Community Service Act (CFCSA). A director may work for MCFD, or with an Indigenous Child and Family Services Agency, but both operate under the same law.

Each individual director (worker/social worker) has custody not the ministry. Any child who is in the care or custody of a director may be placed with a foster caregiver or with a contracted agency.
The CYIC or YAG check box is an optional field designed specifically for districts to use to identify, collaborate and support students who may be in care.
The values in the Agreement or Order field can be used to support collaboration between school districts and local MCFD or Indigenous Child and Family services.

Agreement or Order Values | Description |
Continuing Custody Order | The court placed a child/youth permanently in the custody of a director due to a safety concern. |
Extended Family Program Agreement | An agreement with a friend or family member to support a child/youth for a limited time. |
Interim or Temporary Custody Order - In Care | The court placed a child/youth temporarily in custody of a director due to a safety concern. |
Interim or Temporary Custody Order - Out of Care | The court placed a child/youth temporarily in custody of friend/family due to a safety concern. |
Special Needs Agreement | A child/youth with a permanent or long-term severe disability is in the care of a director for a limited time. |
Voluntary Care Agreement | An agreement that places a child/youth in the care of a director for a limited time. |
Youth or Youth Agreement | An agreement between a child/youth and a director to support the youth to live independently. |
Another Province or Jurisdiction | An agreement with another province or territory for a child who is in the care of that jurisdiction. |
A CYIC or YAG Filter is available on the Student List in District View and School View that will instantly retrieve a list of all students who have a value entered in any of the three fields.
Safety Alert (SA) Field in MyEducation BC
The Province of BC has a clear process for supporting students where threats of violence against self, others or school community may be of concern. Districts appoint a Safety Alert (SA) team leader to oversee the activation of the community SA protocol. Each school should have a Specific SA team.
MyEducation BC is used by most school districts in BC. This system allows students to move seamlessly from one school district to another with their educational information intact. MyEducation BC has the capacity to notify a receiving school/school district that a new student has been identified as moderate to high risk through the SA process.
Standards for use of the SA field protects individual privacy while ensuring school administrators and school/school district Safe School Coordinators are notified that an incoming student has been deemed as moderate to high risk through the SA initial incident screening process and/or Stage 2:Step 4 process. The purpose of the SA field is to indicate to a Principal that they should contact the previous school administrator or school/school district Safe School Coordinator for details of the SA, in order to support the incoming student and ensure that appropriate supports and safety plans are in place. The SA field will remain at a security level that does not allow classroom teachers and other school staff to access the information. The SA field is not to be added as an inclusion on the permanent student record.
Limit Access: A SA field should only be visible to Principals, Vice Principals, Superintendents, Safe Schools Coordinators and Site Specific Team Leaders. This is enforced through security level profiles within MyEducation BC.
Alert Only: No documents or plans should be uploaded to the MyEducation BC application. The SA field information will not be part of any inclusions to the Permanent Student Record.
Date Only: No information will be entered in the field except the school district number and the date the SA was activated: SDxx-Sep2017. Independent Schools are to enter their Facility Number and the date the SA was activiated: FNxxxxxxxxx-Sep2017.
Moderate to High Risk SA: The SA field will only be entered in MyEducation BC after the initial SA screening is completed and the SA team deems the individual to be moderate to high risk as per the provincial SA protocol and safety planning is put into action.
Ministry Consultation to Delete: The SA field can only be cleared at the discretion of the School District, following discussion and consultation with the Ministry of Education or their designated appointee. This process is in place to ensure that the field is not unintentionally cleared - the Ministry of Education does not hold the authority to clear the SA field. The field information will remain on the student profile until removed through this process.
The following are examples of when clearing the field will be considered:
- A significant amount of time has passed without concern or incident
- School District and related SA team members (Police, MCFD, etc) no longer considers student to be at a significant level of risk
Procedure Map for the SA Field
SA Protocol Flowchart
Low Risk | Moderate Risk | High Risk |
Low categorization of risk indicates the individual is at little risk for violence, and monitoring the matter may be appropriate. | Moderate categorization of risk indicates the individual is at an elevated risk for violence, and the measures currently in place or further measures, including monitoring, are required in an effort to manage the individual’s future risk. | High categorization of risk indicates the individual is at high or imminent risk for violence, and immediate intervention is required to prevent an act of violence from occurring. |
Notifications: Prior to any SA being implemented, all students, staff, and parents should be provided with information about SA process so that “fair notice” is given that violence and threats of violence will not be tolerated and how threats will be addressed. Fair Notice templates are provided to all schools and districts to support communication with parents at the beginning of the school year. Parents of the person of concern will be notified at the earliest opportunity in the SA process, after the SA team has collected enough initial data and has determined the current risk level of violence. |
Students are assigned programs in MyEducation BC for 1701 data collection and for tracking participation in local programs. Programs include Core French, Aboriginal Support, Career Programs, and others. Local programs may be academy programs or specialty programs within a single district or school.
Schools should only add programs for their own school. When a student withdraws, only end programs from your own district. Secondary School Associations are responsible for ending their own programs.
If a student arrives at your school with no Secondary or Former School Association, you can end date programs for other schools. If you are unsure if the program has ended, contact the other school.
Assigning a Graduation Program (Program of Study)
A Program of Study can be populated as part of the registration process but is not required until the student enters the graduation program (grade 10) for the purposes of TRAX and Graduation Reports.

In order for the TRAX extract and the School Transcript and Diploma Verifications Reports to run correctly both a valid Program of Study is required and Is Primary? must be checked Y.

Graduated adults should not be assigned the Adult Graduation program unless they previously graduated on that program.
Assigning School Completion Certificate Program (SCCP)
School Completion Cert Program as a Program of Study is to be used only for students with:
- One of the 12 Inclusive Education designations on Form 1701
- A current IEP with replacement learning standards that demonstrate the student can not meet graduation program requirements
- A record of informed consent by Parent/Guardian is required
The Handbook of Procedures for the Graduation Program (“The Handbook”), provides information about assessments, transcripts, and data sharing.
Students with an SCCP Program of Study who are completing their program this school year should be identified in the Pre-Transition list as ready to be graduated. Their post-End of Year Rollover (EYOR) withdraw code should be “Completion – Evergreen” instead of “Graduation.”
Permanent Student Record (PSR) cards
MyEducation BC prints Permanent Student Record (PSR) cards in the Ministry required format (form 1704).
If Permanent Student Record form 1704 data is stored in electronic format:
- The school must be capable of recreating the data in case of a system failure.
- Printouts must represent the fields in the same order as on the form.
- Printouts should clearly display the date and time of production and the school and system from which they have been produced.
- The form must be printed and stored when the student leaves the British Columbia school system.
MyEducation BC holds all of the information necessary for a Permanent Student Record report. A 1704 report can be printed that meets Ministry requirements. If a student has documentation on file at the school that is part of the student record, the PSR must indicate this.
Inclusions are documents (or copies of documents) that are used to help plan or support the individual student’s education program. Not all students will have inclusions. Documents listed as inclusions are kept in the student file and will be transferred if the student moves to another school.
The following inclusions must be listed on the PSR form:

Legal Alert
Medical Alert
When a Legal or Medical Alert is added an inclusion also needs to be completed. When the Alert is removed the inclusion Expiry Date is entered.
- Health services information as indicated by a medical alert.
- Support services information (e.g., psychometric testing, speech and hearing tests, adjudication requirements for completing assessment activities).
- Court orders as indicated by the legal alert.
- Other legal documents e.g., name change or immigration document.
- Notification that a student is on an Individual Education Plan (IEP).
- Notification that a student is registered as a Home Schooler
Complete inclusion fields in MyEdBC as follows:

Enter a record for each inclusion. Student top tab ˃ Transactions side tab ˃ Inclusions

Inclusions print on the Permanent Student Record as follows:

The following documents provide information on B.C.s graduation program.
Ministry Reporting
The information collected on Form 1701 is used in the calculation of Full Time Equivalent (FTE) students for public schools. The FTE values are then used to determine funding levels for these schools. This information is also used to monitor various enrolment trends in programs offered by the BC school system.
For adult programs, enter a subgrade of AN or AD (Adult Non Grad or Adult Diploma). There is no program identification needed for 1701. AN and AD are grades for TRAX.
TRAX (Transcripts and Exams)
The Ministry of Education collects data about transcripts for students in grades 10 – 12. Data is submitted through the Principal’s School Secure Web in October, January, April, and June.

SADE (Student Achievement Data Exchange)

Class Organization
Summer Learning
1701 and TRAX
The following students should be reported by the Summer Learning School:
- School age non-graduate students who are:
- Enrolled and attending at the Grade 1 – 9 level, for the completion of courses that align with the provincial curriculum, and are offered for a minimum of 40 hours.
- Enrolled and attending in Grade 10 – 12 level courses. Both four-credit courses that meet all the provincial or board/authority authorized learning outcomes within the provincial curriculum offered for a minimum of 80 hours, or partial-credit courses that align with the provincial or board/authority authorized curriculum and are offered for a minimum of 40 hours.
1701 and TRAX Data Submissions
For all schools, the 1701 and TRAX file formats are the same as they are throughout the year.
- For 1701, grades 1 – 7 students appear as 1 FTE regardless of the number of courses they are taking.
- For grades 8 – 12, student course counts appear as expected depending on the number of courses the students are taking.
Remember to adjust the course credits to 2 for grade 10 – 12 students who are taking partial-credit courses as defined above.
Summer Learning schools using MyEducation BC SDTest can use the regular 1701 and TRAX extract process to create files for submission.
Schools using MyEducation BC Production for summer school, may use the 1701 and TRAX summer school spreadsheets provided by the Ministry.
SADE collects course level data for every student, grades 1 – 12, for all summer schools. It’s expected that schools use the Ministry course code that aligns with the area of the provincial curriculum being covered, e.g., a grade 4 student receiving instruction in Mathematics is graded in a MMA—04 course. Districts may add additional characters to differentiate summer courses from their regular courses, e.g., MMA—04SUM
SADE Data Submissions
All schools may use the regular SADE extract process to create their SADE files. These files will need to be appended to the October SADE submission.
Some form of attendance must be taken and archived to show student participation.
Inclusive Education
Supporting student learning in inclusive and responsive learning environments.
- Inclusive Education
- Plans
- Plan Naming Convention
- Plan Status and Dates
- 1701 Student Designation
- Evergreen Path
- Descriptive Transcripts
- Student Service Reporting
Inclusive Education
British Columbia promotes an inclusive education. The vision is to provide inclusive and responsive learning environments that recognize the value of diversity and provide equity of access, opportunity and outcome for all students including students with disabilities or diverse abilities.
In MyEducation BC there are several plans that have been configured to support student learning. All plans require additional security roles to create. All plans can be published to the portal.

Check out the Site >Resources> Student Services Resources for MyEducation BC Resources on ELL Annual Instructional Plans, Competency Based Individual Education Plans, and Individual Education Plans
AIP | ELL Annual Instructional Plan | School and District View (Document ST>Plans SST) |
BCIEP | BC Individual Education Plan | Student Services Module |
CBIEP | Competency Based Individual Education Plan | Student Services Module |
Plans for English Language Learners (ELL) are called Annual Instructional Plans and are located in the School and District View.
Individual Education Plans can be created in the Student Services Module. A student must be enrolled in Student Services before a Plan can be developed. There are two templates available: the Individual Education Plan format (BCIEP) and the Competency Based format (CBIEP). Districts in partnership with their Student Services departments can choose which format will be in use within their district. The form used will be a district-wide commitment. Districts can submit a Service Request to have the default template set to the Competency Based IEP, if that is the desired format for the district.
Both the BCIEP Report and the CBIEP Report title will display Individual Education Plan if the students have an active 1701 designation. Both reports titles will display Student Support Plan if the student does not have an active 1701 designation.
Plans remain attached to the student record in MyEducation BC when students move districts. A provincial naming standard has been created to provide clarity to the receiving district and student record. When entering a plan name, use the following format: XX-TYPE-district naming convention.> Where XX is the district number, TYPE is the type of plan (e.g., IEP, SSP, AIP), and 'district naming convention' is descriptive information at each district's discretion. The name field accepts up to 25 characters. For example, the following plan names conform to the standard:
- 05-IEP-Grade 1
- 35-IEP-Sept 2022
- 64-SSP-2022/2023
- 72-AIP-Sept 2023
PLAN | Plan Status | Alert Icon Shows |
BCIEP | Active, Draft, Previous, Discarded | Status = Active |
CBIEP | Active, Draft, Previous, Discarded | Status = Active |
SSP | Active, Draft, Previous, Discarded | Status = Active |
AIP | Active, Draft, Previous, Rejected, Discarded | Status = Active Effective Date Field is not empty |
The provincial standard is to use Active, Draft and Previous Plan Status.
In MyEducation BC, a 1701 designation is entered in the Programs section of the School or District View. Districts are responsible for developing policies and practices for entering and ending 1701 designations. When a student with 1701 designation withdraws, do not end date the current designation(s). An active Designation Alert on a student record prompts the new school that a support plan may be needed.
The identified primary designation will populate the Form 1701 Designation field during the 1701 submission
When a new Primary Designation is created the previous primary designation will automatically end date. The end date can be removed and/or edited if necessary.
Refer to Enrollment Section>Entering Alerts>Designation Alert
The decision to put a student in an Evergreen Program (School Completion Certificate Program – SCCP) should not be made prior to Grade 10 and should include the informed consent of the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s). The Evergreen Certificate is not a graduation credential; students who receive an Evergreen have not graduated. It is important that students and their parents understand that the Evergreen represents the completion of personal learning goals but is not recognized in a Certificate of Graduate (Dogwood Diploma).Each district develops procedures and policies for documenting and retaining a record of informed consent.
Refer to Student Records Section> Programs> Assigning a Graduation Program (Program of Study)

In addition to receiving an Evergreen Certificate, students on an Evergreen path are also entitled to a Ministry transcript of successfully completed Grades 10-12 courses, both for-credit and non-credit, including Ministry-authorized, Board/Authority Authorized (BAA), and Locally Developed (LD) courses (e.g. IEP courses).
As with graduation program students, the Transcript of Grades should provide prospective employers and post-secondary institutions with relevant information concerning the student’s education program accomplishments.
Course titles in MyEducation BC can be customized for every student and can be (re)titled to meaningfully represent course content before submission to the Ministry’s Transcript and Examinations (TRAX) system e.g., XSIEP0A Everyday Money Skills.
Refer to School Settings Section> Graduation Program Courses for more information on renaming courses.
Student Services Reporting
Acceptable Marks and Letter Grades
Any marks assigned must comply with the Provincial Letter Grades Order and the Learning Update Order. Marks should be reviewed whenever possible to ensure that they comply with these orders.
In the case of a student with an IEP, the terms “curriculum” and “course” stated in the Student Progress Report Order (Section 10.3) may apply to a goal outlined in the IEP.
Courses With Adaptations
Adaptations are teaching and assessment strategies available to any student. They are specially designed to accommodate a student’s needs so they can achieve the learning outcomes of the subject or course and demonstrate mastery of concepts. Essentially, adaptations are “best practices” in teaching. Any student working on learning outcomes of any grade or course level may be supported through the use of adaptations.
For a student reported in a provincial (Ministry) course/grade or Board Authority Authorized (BAA) course with adaptations, the learning outcomes may be either provincial course/grade learning outcomes or BAA course outcomes and:
- Course codes to be used are either Ministry course codes or BAA course codes.
- In all cases marks are assigned according to the Learning Update Order and the Provincial Letter Grades Order.
- Students are assessed and are expected to have marks assigned based on achievement towards Ministry learning outcomes for their course or subject.
- Use of significant adaptations should be documented in an IEP or other means determined by the district.
Courses With Modifications
Accommodations in the form of modifications are instructional and assessment related decisions made to accommodate a student’s educational needs that consist of individualized learning goals and outcomes which are different from a Ministry course/grade or BAA course.
Since the modified learning objectives are based on the student’s IEP and are not the same as the Ministry’s provincial course/grade or BAA Courses:
- The individualized learning outcomes are stated in the IEP.
- Any grade assigned must reflect achievement toward those learning outcomes.
- It should be noted on the report card that marks and grades are assigned according to achievement toward the individualized learning outcomes as stated in the IEP.
- The course with modifications must be identified in MyEducation BC by an external or ministry code starting with an “XIEP” or “XSIEP” (MyEducation BC).
In order to provide a meaningful transcript, the course description (title) entered into MyEducation BC should reflect the course content, e.g.(, XSIEP0A Every Day Money Skills).
Students enrolled in courses with modifications may also be provided adaptations.
Note: To report student progress for students receiving an educational program with modifications, written comments or letter grades may be used. The most appropriate form of reporting should be determined collaboratively, in consultation with the parent(s)/guardian(s). Discussion should address the fact that if letter grades are not assigned to report student progress, the course will not appear on the student’s transcript.
The code NM may be used only for students whose disabilities or diverse abilities are such that they are unable to access the curriculum (i.e., students with limited awareness of their surroundings, students with fragile mental/physical health, students medically and cognitively/multiply-challenged). NM should not be used for any other purpose.
School Settings
Setting up your district or school.
- Courses
- Enterprise Course Catalogue
- Course Codes
- Standard and Non-standard Courses
- Course Levels
- Middle Years Courses
- Graduation Program Courses
- Credit Restrictions by Code (Anti-requisites)
- Selecting Courses for Use — District or School
- Course Types
- Ministry Developed Courses
- Board/Authority Authorized (BAA) Courses
- Independent Directed Study course codes in MyEducation BC
- Adjusting Course Credits
- External Credentials
- Post-secondary
- Student Services Activities
- Assigned Time
- Locally Developed (LD)
- Career Preparation (CP) 33
- Elementary Curriculum
- Homerooms
- Fees
- Processes
- Fees and Student Transfer Processes
- Staff Records
- Staff Types
- Code Management
- Adding to Reference Tables
MyEducation BC tracks learning by course from kindergarten to grade 12. Courses can be combined into interdisciplinary units. The MyEducation BC transcript maintains achievement records for each course separately.
MyEducation BC contains a complete registry or course catalogue for all subjects and courses, from which schools can select customized course offerings and manage student learning toward graduation. The catalogue contains provincial, locally developed, career preparation, and Board/Authority Authorized courses and generic codes.
Enterprise Course Catalogue
Schools cannot assign a course unless it’s loaded into MyEducation BC at the enterprise level and then brought to the district level. New courses and codes are added to the enterprise catalogue by the Ministry of Education when required.
Schools may adopt any of the district courses for the school catalogue.
Course Codes
A course code is a unique, ten-character alphanumeric code assigned to every course in MyEducation BC. The first seven characters are determined provincially, and the remaining three are available for schools and districts to assign as required to meet local needs. For example, the course code for English 12 is MEN--12---.
- The first character (M) identifies one of ten different course types.
- The next four characters (EN--) identify the Ministry course code.
- The following two characters (12) represent the grade level (and/or subsection, such as 12A or 12C).
- The remaining three characters (---) are available for each school or district to create a unique code or flavour for specific purposes.
Course codes do not need to contain a letter or number in each of the ten spaces — they might also include a placeholder character such as “-”, unless the spaces occur at the end of the code. In that case, they can be left blank.
There is also a set of codes that may be used for activities that do not qualify as courses. These are called “pseudo-courses.”
Standard and Non-standard Courses
When a course is entered into MyEducation BC at the enterprise level, there is a place to indicate whether it’s standard or non-standard. With few exceptions, Ministry-authorized courses and their French versions are standard courses. Credit values and diploma categories of standard courses cannot be modified by the district or the school.
Non-standard courses, on the other hand, allow districts to set the appropriate credit value and diploma category. Districts determine if credit values are set at the district level or at the school level.
Diploma categories for non-standard courses should be set at the district level if the course will be offered in more than one school. If a school requires a different diploma category, the district creates a new flavour of the course for that school.
Course Levels
- Kindergarten: K
- Grade 1: 01
- Grade 2: 02
- Grade 3: 03
- Grade 4: 04
- Grade 5: 05
- Grade 6: 06
- Grade 7: 07
- Grade 8: 08
- Grade 9: 09
- Grade 10: 10, 0A, 0B, etc.
- Grade 11: 11, 1A, 1B, etc.
- Grade 12: 12, 2A, 2B, etc.
Middle Years’ Courses
Courses for grades 6 – 9 meet the Ministry definition of a course begin with either M for Ministry course or F for Ministry course taught in the French language.
Courses that do not have Ministry-defined curriculum but are offered by schools and meet the definition of a course may be defined using the XLDC code (indicating “locally developed”), and then be given the name defined by the district, school, or authority.
Courses for students working on a curriculum modified through an IEP are defined using the code XSIEP or XIEP. Generic course titles and descriptions should be customized to meaningfully reflect the actual course content. For example, IEP Modified 12A could be renamed IEP 12A Banking. These customized titles will be printed on the student’s transcript, providing a meaningful record of student work.
Other activities that do not meet the requirements to be defined as a course are coded using XAT. (See description for Assigned Time later in this section.)
Graduation Program Courses
Graduation program courses have been designated as meeting one of the diploma categories. These designations enable the user to determine the graduation status of secondary students.
Credit Restrictions by Code (Anti-requisites)
When courses are restricted for credit, they are deemed to be equivalent to other credit courses. Credit restrictions (anti-requisites) prevent students from receiving double credit for successfully completing the same learning outcomes.
If a student takes two courses restricted for credit, both will be reported on their transcript. However, credit toward graduation will be given only to the course with the greater number of credits and the higher final percentage (as per the Handbook of Procedures).
It’s the principal’s responsibility to ensure that students do not obtain double credit. When the student’s transcript is pulled up, it’s coded, and the system will put credits in the correct sections of the transcript. MyEducation BC has built-in credit restrictions, however, whenever equivalent credit is being given, the current course credits should be checked first.
For example, a student wishing to receive credit for outside dance learning should not use this documentation to receive credit for both Dance 11 Performance and Royal Academy of Dance 11 External Credentials. These two courses have different seven-character codes but may have the same learning outcomes. Courses taken within the school that have the same seven-character codes with variations in the last three characters and different names (e.g., MEN—11 and MEN—11HON) will not both receive credit. This is determined by the anti-requisite settings in MyEducation BC.
Selecting Courses for Use — District or School
Course Types
All BC courses and codes are maintained within the MyEducation BC course catalogue. It contains nine types of courses:
M | Ministry |
F | French |
I | International Baccalaureate |
A | Advanced Placement |
P | Post-secondary |
U | External |
C | Career Preparation |
Y | Board/Authority Authorized |
X | Locally Developed or pseudo course (no credit) |
Ministry Developed Courses
These are courses developed by the Ministry of Education and published on the Ministry website in all subject areas from kindergarten to grade 12.
Board/Authority Authorized (BAA) Courses
These are grade 10, 11, and 12 courses developed and offered at the district or school level that meet the standards set by the Ministry of Education through Ministerial Order 285/04 (M285/04).
Schools must have the approval of their superintendent and board (for public schools) or independent school authority (for independent schools) prior to offering a BAA course. Boards/Authorities must also submit a New Board/Authority Authorized Course form (New BAA Course form) to the Ministry to verify that each new course meets the requirements and procedures set out in the Board/Authority Authorized Courses Requirements and Procedures Guidebook (Updated 2011).

Check your BAA courses for accurate Fine Arts or Applied Skills eligibility.
Assigning Fine Arts or Applied Skills Designation Districts can specify that Grade 11 BAA courses are eligible for Fine Arts or Applied Skills designation or both. This is done in the course catalog at the district level.
Other grade levels are not eligible for these designations. Guidelines for determining eligibility are found in the Ministry BAA guide and Handbook of Procedures.
Choosing BAA Codes
There are a limited number of codes available from the Ministry of Education to apply to BAA.
Renaming BAA Courses
Courses can be renamed in MyEducation BC. Users should copy the original course and add a flavour to it before renaming. The name chosen should be descriptive of the content of the course and meaningful to people outside the school.
Independent Directed Studies (IDS) Courses
These are student-initiated courses based on the learning outcomes of Ministry-developed or Board/Authority Authorized courses in grades 10, 11, and 12. Each IDS course must have the related Ministry course identified in the student transcript.
Independent Directed Study course codes in MyEducation BC
Grade 10 | MIDS-0A, 0B, 0C, 0D, 0E, 0F, 0G, 0H, 0I |
Grade 11 | MIDS-1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 1E, 1F, 1G, 1H, 1I |
Grade 12 | MIDS-2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 2E, 2F, 2G, 2H, 2I |
By having “lettered” versions, many different IDS courses can be reported at each grade level. Schools should double check to ensure each IDS course for a student has a different letter version.
The credit value for an IDS course is assigned at the school level.
Naming IDS Courses
The Handbook of Procedures for the Graduation Program gives guidelines for naming IDS courses. Examples that follow their guidelines are:
- IDS Art Foundations 11A
- IDS Fitness and Weight Training 12B
We encourage districts to follow this guideline to provide consistency for students who study in several schools and districts.
Adjusting Course Credits
The Ministry of Education determines the number of credits that will be granted for a course. For most courses, credits are prescribed. For some courses, credits are variable. Credits for Ministry courses with prescribed credits must not adjusted in MyEducation BC.
Districts are able to control the ability to adjust credit levels in district settings. It is a district decision to adjust this setting or to educate end users about Ministry requirements for courses with less than four credits.
External Credentials
These are approved courses or credentials developed outside the Ministry and approved for credit toward graduation. External agencies have their courses and programs approved.
Students can receive dual credit for successful completion of post-secondary courses that lead to a credential from a post-secondary institution. The student earns credit at the post-secondary institution and they earn credit for a “P” course type on their high school transcript. “P” courses are identified by the post-secondary institution the course was taken at. For example, all Camosun College courses are identified with a code that begins with PB--.
Student Services Activities
To receive course credit, students who are unable to meet learning outcomes at subject and grade level:
- must have a designated special needs funding category,
- must have an Individual Educational Plan (IEP),
- must be receiving an educational program and/or support to meet the goals of their IEP,
- must be assigned this activity because it’s being used to assist them in meeting one or more of the IEP goals,
- requires modification of the curriculum because the student is unable to meet the learning outcomes for authorized courses at subject and grade level
The course codes that can be assigned to these students follow this pattern:
- XIEP-8A, 8B, 8C, etc.
- XIEP-9A, 9B, 9C, etc.
- XSIEP0A, 0B, 0C, etc.
- XSIEP1A, 1B, 1C etc.
- XSIEP2A, 2B, 2C, etc.
- XSPBK10, 11, 12
These course codes receive full Ministry funding. See the Handbook of Procedures for the full listing of available codes.
Assigned Time
The Assigned Time category is for non-credit activities that require a course code for scheduling purposes but do not receive credit toward graduation. For example, learning assistance (K – 9), study period, and homeroom.
These activities must use assigned time codes (XAT--), as they do not qualify as courses and do not appear in the provincial course registry. There is also an XAT--00 code that denotes Assigned Time Ungraded and may be used for any activity that does not require that a grade level be assigned.
Additional XAT codes have been added for the specific use of certain jurisdictions. These are noted as Non-standard, Not Recommended. School boards/authorities using these codes assume the risk for their use and the impacts from system changes and transitions long term.
Each grade level of the XAT code may be used up to 99 times. As these non-credit activities do not carry over into course history, each school may use the XAT codes to suit its own purposes and may use them differently each year if required. Two or more schools in the same district can use the same code with a different description. This provides the flexibility of nearly 500 codes available to deal with the various non-credit activities that need placeholders in the timetable.
Locally Developed (LD)
These courses form part of local programs offered by school boards or independent school authorities. Middle schools use LD courses for exploratories and other purposes. LD courses are not eligible for credit toward graduation. Not all LD courses are open.
LD courses begin with a course type code of X. For example, XMEA-09 is Media Arts 9. In grade 10 – 12, schools should not use LD courses, but instead should use BAA courses that have gone through the board approval process.
Career Preparation (CP)
These locally-developed courses were included in the package of courses that made up a career program. Career programs were local education programs focusing on a career or career sector — they included a work experience component. Career programs closed in August, 2006.
For students in the 2004 Graduation Program, CP courses do not count towards graduation. Boards and authorities have converted all CP courses to BAA courses.
Elementary Curriculum
Elementary curriculum is presented in courses in MyEducation BC. Performance Scales (Rubric Definitions) for each course are chosen and assigned to elementary courses at the school level based on grade level of the course and according to the Ministry School Progress Report Order. These have been entered at the enterprise level.
Kindergarten | Approaching Expectations Meeting Expectations Exceeding Expectations |
Primary (1 – 3) | Not Yet Meeting Expectations Approaching Expectations Meeting Expectations Exceeding Expectations |
Intermediate (4 – 9) | A, B, C+, C, C-, I, F, SG, TS, W |
There is a homeroom function in MyEducation BC. Students can be assigned to a homeroom in their primary school. Cross-enrolled students cannot have a second homeroom. Districts who have many cross-enrolled students might consider using an XAT course for homeroom because XAT can be assigned separately at all schools the student is registered at.
This section refers to money collected at the school for a specific purpose authorized by the district fees policy. MyEducation BC has a module for assigning fees to individual students or to groups of students. Payments are recorded on individual student fee records. MyEducation BC provides a variety of reports that can be printed including receipts.
- Schools enter codes and descriptions for the fees to be charged by creating Fee Types.
- Schools assign fees to students.
- Schools record fee payments.
- Receipts can be issued when fees are collected in a batch or individually.
- Various reports are available to check records.
Fees and Student Transfer Processes
Outstanding fees remain attached to a student when they withdraw from a school. If the student attends a different school, these outstanding fees will remain on the student record and appear on the account statements at the new school.
- The new school is not able to make a payment or remove the fee from the student record.
- The original school that assigned the fee is able to delete or void the fee from the Cashier’s Office, even after the student has moved to the new school.
Best practice is for schools using fees in MyEducation BC to delete or void outstanding fee balances for students upon withdrawal.
Staff Records
Staff Types
Districts have the ability to create their own Staff Type codes. All codes created locally should be preceded by the district number.

Code Management
Adding to Reference Tables
There are reference tables in MyEducation BC to which districts and schools can add items. These are typically “pick lists” within the system. In District View, these are found in Admin Top Tab > Data Dictionary Side Tab. In School View, these are found in Admin Top Tab > Reference Side Tab. Tables that you can edit are identified by “N” in the ExclCodeMgt field and by “All” in the Owner field.

When you add to a reference table, select the code and the description so it makes sense for your users. Codes created by users should be preceded by the district number and should be descriptive. For example, “ENV” is a more useful code than “12435” for an environmental program. Thinking ahead and planning your district codes is recommended to ensure your system makes sense to your users.
Descriptions should also include the district number as outlined in the sample table below:
39ENV | SD39 Environmental Education Program |
5Behaviour | SD5 Behaviour Category (Student Services) |
61CEA | SD61 Classroom Education Assistant |
15Literacy | SD15 Literacy Goal (Student Services) |
Data Maintenance
Guidelines for ensuring accurate and up-to-date school, district, and system data.
- Change History Log Retention
- Record and Account Management
- Contact Records
- Staff Records
- User Accounts
- Membership Side Tab
- Pre-Transition Field Set
- Next School
- Withdraw Field
- Dip/SCCP Date
- Language and Culture
- Miscellaneous Student Information Fields
- Years of ELL
District data should be monitored regularly for inconsistencies and corrected to maintain clean records within the system.
Change History Log Retention
The system keeps approximately 365 days of audit information available to users in MyEducation BC. Each month a process moves audit log data from MyEducation BC to an archive database where it is retained permanently. Districts can submit a Service Desk Request through a Heat Ticket for audit requests older than 365 days.
Records and Account Management
Contact Records

MyEducation BC is a database that is built on one record per person. Contacts can become duplicated if they are connected to several students. Districts should update their contact records to maintain one record per person.
Contacts can become orphaned when students withdraw from school. Contacts who are not connected to any students should be merged or removed from the application. Deleting a contact record removes the relationship, not the person record.
Contacts should have conforming names. Districts should update their contacts that are missing names, contacts that identify two people with one record (e.g., "Don & Susan Smith"), medical contacts that are inconsistent with district practice (e.g., Dr., Doctor, or Firstname), misspelled contact names (Shelly, Shelley), and any other non-conforming names found.
Contacts are sometimes entered with no information beyond the name. These should be updated or deleted.
Filters are provided in the system to help districts with regular contact clean up. Districts can check for user accounts for contacts that are no longer attached to students using the filter “Not Attached to Students”.
Staff Records
Never delete staff records. When staff end their employment with a district, they should be made inactive in the system:
- Change "Staff Type" to blank
- Remove "Inclusive Education" checkmark and role
- Remove school name
- Change "Status" field to inactive
- Expire user account
User Accounts
User accounts in MyEducation BC have numerous connections to different data points. “Accounts” refers to all user accounts within MyEducation BC. This includes all staff, student, and family portal accounts. When a student moves to a new district, user accounts related to that student should move with them. Contact accounts not attached to students should have portal access unchecked.
Deleting User Accounts
Deleting an account may cause access to a large amount of data to be permanently removed. This could potentially create issues with reports and logs, adjust records, or change information in data tables.
Avoid deleting user accounts. Follett, the software developer of MyEducation BC, also strongly counsels against deleting any accounts. The only exception is when accounts are created in error. Delete these accounts immediately after they are created.
Disabling User Accounts
To temporarily prevent access to accounts, disable them. To ensure users cannot reset their password and gain access, and to allow schools to re-enable accounts when ready, disable and lock the accounts.
Expiring User Accounts
To ensure a disabled account cannot be re-enabled by a reset procedure by the user or the school, set the account expiration date to a date in the past, and change the password and the primary email account. This process is recommended for court-ordered access removal.
If you expire an account and do not disable it, it will continue to appear in your list of enabled accounts. Disable all expired accounts to avoid this.
Take special care and attention if the user is active in multiple schools or districts as expiring their account will disable it system-wide.
The below table indicates which account statuses can have passwords reset and accounts re-enabled, and what user roles can make those changes.
Enabled | Y | Y | Y |
Disabled with re-enable allowed from password recovery | Y | Y | Y |
Disabled and locked | N | Y | Y |
Expired (with any above status) | N | N | Y |
Membership Side Tab
Membership Records
Membership Records in MyEducation BC populate the PSR and are the record of a student’s movement between schools. These records require ongoing maintenance to ensure accuracy. The following should be checked for a full clean up:
PSR Grade | There should be a PSR grade for each entry that indicates the grade the student was in when they joined a school, and the grade the student was in when they left a school. |
YOG | Changes in the membership record marked Y indicate that the YOG was changed. These records can be deleted if you choose. |
Withdrawal records | Sometimes there are duplicate withdraw records. These can be deleted. |
Order of enrollments and withdrawals | If two entries have the same date, they may appear on the record in the wrong order. Withdraw dates can be adjusted to re-order the entries. |
No entries | Ideally the enrollment record in MyEducation BC will be complete for each student. Add historical entries to reflect all of the student’s enrollments and withdrawals. |
If you are uncertain about records, it may be necessary to contact the previous school to ensure your data is correct.
At least annually, ensure Code and PSR Grade fields are correctly populated and that the enrollment/withdrawal order makes sense.
Pre-Transition Field Set
The Pre-Transition field set is used to assist with student scheduling for students who will be transferring or transitioning to a new school or district.
Next School
Districts should determine timelines for clearing the Next School field, e.g., after End of Year Rollover. Caution should be exercised to be sure that they are not clearing information for students transferring in the near future, such as at semester change, as this could remove the next school's access to the student.
Withdraw Field
The Withdraw field should be cleared after End of Year Rollover. If left not cleared, a student may be withdrawn again, creating an incorrect enrollment record.
Dip/SCCP Date
Districts have the responsibility to establish their own practice for updating this field. The date entered will appear on the Permanent Student Record under Graduation Requirements Completed.
Language and Culture
Two fields in the Language and Culture tab depend on one another: Aboriginal Ancestry and Band of Residence. If a student is identified as "Status - On Reserve," they must also have a Band of Residence identified. This can be checked by creating a fieldset in the student list that includes both fields.
Miscellaneous Student Information Fields
There are two locations in the Student Table where districts may enter miscellaneous student data that does not have a specialized field: the “Memo” field found on the Student Details page in School view, and the “Additional Info” field on the Activities page in Staff view. Because this information is often timely, districts should review and update these fields regularly to ensure student information remains current.
Years of Ell
School or district clerks or administrators can create ELL programs that will be included in 1701 extracts to claim supplemental funding. In January/February of each year the ministry prepares a load for Fujitsu to update the Years of ELL to the student record.
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