
Kun has progressed from someone who couldn’t have a conversation in English without her daughter to translate to someone who can leave simple phone messages and who seeks out conversations with staff at the centre. In addition, Kun feels more connected to her teenage children’s school and their progress. The tutoring experience has been immensely rewarding for me because I believe that I have been able to facilitate an improved connection between Kun and our community. What a privilege!


Bev and Kun, Courtenay

Bev, with Kun, Courtenay

In Module 1 you learned the qualities of a successful tutor and what a tutor does. You also viewed video clips that provided firsthand accounts of what it’s like to be a tutor. In Module 2 you will learn about the adult ESL learner, and the challenges of learning a new language.


A PDF containing key concepts you’ve covered in this module, can be downloaded here.


To continue the training, click "Next" or choose "Mod 2 ESL Learner" from the table of contents on the left.



















  Copyright 2009 BC Ministry of Advanced Education and Labour Market Development