Module 1: The Principles of Early Learning

Educating in the 21st Century

Educators are constantly navigating challenges, tensions, and possibilities of the 21st century. This includes navigating environmental crises, changing technologies, and social and cultural diversity.

As discussed earlier, we are all faced with environmental challenges. These include

  • Climate change
  • Species extinction
  • Risks to our food and water supplies
  • Massive migrations

Educators are considering ways to respond to these issues in their practice.

young children playing with technology

Technology has changed the way we interact with each other. It has significantly changed the way that we can access information. Children live in this technology-rich environment as consumers, creators, and producers.

young child playing the strings of a ukulele with the help of an educator

What do we mean by social and cultural diversity?

First, it refers to the fact that people in B.C. come from all over the world

  • Some people are new to the province
  • Others are descended from those who have been here for generations and millennia

Second, family structures are varied

  • Parents are the primary caregivers in many families, but families may differ in many ways
  • Grandparents, older siblings, and other relatives may also play important roles.

Children grow up in a variety of family structures. These may include

  • Two-parent or guardian households
  • Single-parent or guardian households
  • Step-families
  • Adoptive families
  • Foster families
  • Multi-generational families

The Early Learning Framework acknowledges and supports the richness of these families.