Why is dialogue with families and the community important?
It gives you the opportunity to ask for their input and reflection.
You can let them know that what they have to say is important. You may all (yourself, families, and community) increase your understanding of what children are learning and experiencing.
Consider asking families
How can you share with the community? Think about working with galleries, community centres, schools, colleges, or universities.
Are there other organizations where the public could explore your pedagogical narrations?
Remember: Photos, video and audio recordings, and notes about children are all sources of information that must be treated carefully. These are records that contain personal information and governed by BC privacy laws (e.g., Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act or the Personal Information Protection Act). Ensure that families know how this information is used, and how the information is stored. Respect families’ wishes if they do not grant permission for their child to be photographed or recorded.