Module 3: Living Inquiries – Well-Being and Belonging

Diversity and Difference

Each child and each family is included, welcomed, and celebrated.

Critically Reflective Questions

  • How do I include and celebrate the diversity of each child and each family in my program?
  • How do parents and families contribute to my program?
  • How do I make sure parents and families, Elders, people of all cultures, languages and spiritual knowledge keepers feel welcome in my program?
  • Are there traditions, rituals, or practices that are taken for granted in my program? Which of these may not be inclusive?
  • Are children given the opportunity to discuss issues of racism or privilege?<
  • How can I practice being free from bias?
  • How can I give children the opportunity to discuss social justice? Equity and equality?
  • How is behaviour a form of communication?
  • What do the responses or actions of educators communicate in turn?
  • What are differing worldviews of diversity and inclusion?
    • How can I or my program express views on inclusion?

    Case Study: Diversity and difference

    In one early learning setting, the educators used inquiry to explore diversity. The educators asked the children, “What is unique about each of us?” This led to an exploration of differences among the children, how to celebrate those differences and accept one another.

    Reflective Question

    How might you explore and celebrate diversity and difference in your practice?