Module 3: Living Inquiries – Well-Being and Belonging

Safety and Respect

Children are listened to and their identities and abilities are respected.

Critically Reflective Questions

  • How do adults convey to children that experimenting with identities in the early learning setting is accepted?
  • How are diverse abilities respected and valued?
  • How do meanings of respect vary in different cultural or historical contexts?
  • How does a child show respect? How does an adult show respect? Is respect reciprocal?
  • The Early Learning Framework is grounded in a pedagogy of listening. Is this a new idea? How might I explore it further?
  • What does it mean to be in a reciprocal relationship with an adult? With a child?
  • Consider adult voices and children’s voices: Who speaks more? Who listens more?

Case Study: Safety and respect

During an outdoor adventure, the children notice that the weather is getting cooler, and the forest is changing. There is fog in the morning, and the educator takes the opportunity to provoke the children’s thinking with a question, “I wonder where the fog comes from?”

The children have lots of theories and observations. The educator gathers the children and ensures each child has the time and space to voice their theory and observation to the group. The children intently listen to each other.

Reflective Question

In this scenario, the children are listened to and are respected.

How might you engage in activities with children to show how they are listened to and respected?