Module 3: Living Inquiries – Well-Being and Belonging

Pathways for Well-being and Belonging

The Early Learning Framework presents the following pathways for well-being and belonging:

Children and educators are open to joy and wonder.

All children’s cultures are welcomed, valued, and woven into programs in ways that are transformative.

Educators consider Indigenous resources and begin conversations with colleagues, families, and children about the importance of Indigenous culture and history in Canada.

Each child and each family is included, welcomed, and celebrated.

Educators resist continuing gender stereotypes. Children can play with gender norms.

Children are listened to and their identities and abilities are respected.

Children have control of their bodies and contribute to determining routines and schedules.

Children’s thoughts, emotions, and views are listened to and respected.

Every child can contribute their gifts in relationship with adults and other children.

Children can engage with their own ideas, theories, and inquiries in ways that are meaningful to them.