Module 1: The Principles of Early Learning

Educators and Early Learning

Educators are researchers and collaborators.

Educators work with children and their families as partners in research. This means, as an educator

  • You always observe, listen, and experiment. You are open to the unexpected
  • Your role is shifting (or has shifted). You are changing (or have changed) from giving knowledge to giving children a chance to invent, investigate, build theories, and learn
  • You strive to work with children and listen to them. You try to make them feel safe, confident, and motivated
  • You foster curiosity. This helps you to expand children’s learning as well as your own
  • You examine your practice
  • You examine your expectations
  • You examine your biases to see if (and how) they may contribute to racism or prejudices
  • You do not see yourself as having the “right” knowledge of learning theory and practice. You are a learner as well as an educator
  • You are continually modelling continuous learning