
Who This Course is For

There are many individuals and groups who make up the education system in British Columbia. All district and school employees have a shared responsibility for ensuring the education system is free of racism for everyone, including students, staff, and all members of school communities.

This course is designed for all employees working within school districts and schools across the province. It is an optional tool for employees of B.C.'s education sector to support professional learning. It is not part of the K-12 Provincial Curriculum, nor is it a curriculum resource for classroom use.

Recommended or Required

The course is designed to be a general introduction to anti-racism. It is not intended to provide a comprehensive overview of the full range of perspectives on race and racism. The course is freely available from the Ministry of Education and Child Care. It is available as recommended, non-mandated, professional learning for all district and school employees in British Columbia.

This course addresses general topics about racism and anti-racism in relation to human rights. It also introduces anti-Indigenous racism and some of its associated impacts in the education system. It does not thoroughly examine racism toward other cultures, races, ancestries, or religions.

Individual and/or Group Engagement

Becoming anti-racist and practicing anti-racism is a group effort. While the course can be completed individually, collaboration and dialogue with others is important.

Here are some ideas for supporting group work:

  • Create a series of professional learning sessions to collective discuss or de-brief after each module
  • Integrate conversations about the content into staff meetings
  • Have group members share the lead for facilitating activities and discussions
  • Invite a skilled facilitator to lead and support group collaboration during a professional learning day or over a series of scheduled sessions
Please be aware that learning about, talking about, and reflecting on racism can be difficult and triggering for some people. Triggers might occur for a variety of reasons. It’s important to seek support if needed.