
Additional Materials and Resources

In addition to the information covered in this course, these links to additional materials and resources are offered to provide more information on the concepts addressed.

Please Note:
The views, opinions, conclusions and/or recommendations expressed in additional materials (i.e., resources and websites) are those of the author(s) or content creators. These materials do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Government of British Columbia. The Government of British Columbia does not necessarily endorse, nor has it confirmed the validity of the information contained in these materials.

A Few B.C. Examples of Racism and Resistance to Racism

1874: Emma Stark, First Black Teacher on Vancouver Island

1921: Irene Kelleher: First Indigenous Teacher in B.C.

1922: Chinese Students Strike

1941: Barbara Howard: First Racialized Teacher, Vancouver School Board

1945: Vivian Jung: First Chinese-Canadian Teacher, Vancouver School Board

2008: Truth and Reconciliation Commission

2012: ERASE (Expect Respect and Safe Education)

2019: Professional Standards for B.C. Educators, Standard 9

2023: K–12 Anti-Racism Action Plan

Racism Toward Indigenous Children

Becoming Anti-Racist

What is the Right to Non-Discrimination?

Your Intersectional Identity

Anti-racism and Intersectionality

What is White Privilege?

Model Minority Myth

Know the Difference

Speaking Up and Interrupting Racism

Active Witnessing

Commitment to Anti-Racism

Trembling Aspen Leaf