Module 3: Anti-Racism and Human Rights


During this module, you will learn about the connection between anti-racism and human rights.

The module consists of:

  • Concepts — key learning ideas
  • Reflections — questions that ask you to reflect on your own experiences
  • Learn about the connection between anti-racism and human rights.
  • Learn about the responsibilities you — and all adults employed in B.C.’s education system — have to stop racism and protect human rights.

Anti-Racism and Human Rights

Racism is a violation of human rights and human dignity.

Anti-racism work requires a focus on protecting human rights at the individual, interpersonal and societal levels. This work involves challenging racist attitudes, behaviours, and practices that are part of social norms and that deny individuals and groups their basic human rights.

What are Human Rights?

Watch the video below to understand more about human rights. Consider how racism impacts the protection and fulfillment of everyone’s human rights?