Module 3: Anti-Racism and Human Rights

What Responsibilities Do You Have to Protect Human Rights?

As every person has human rights, every person also has the responsibility to uphold each other’s human rights and human dignity, as well as to be to anti-racist.

Duty bearers are individuals who have an added responsibility to protect human rights because of the positions they hold. Examples of duty bearers include:

  • Government employees and those who make decisions concerning the public (for example, members of parliament, mayors, city councillors, ministers)
  • Members in the school system (for example, superintendents, school trustees, school administrators, teachers, educational assistants)
  • Members in the community who are in a position of trust (for example, community leaders, religious leaders, local service provider organizations)

Duty bearers within the education system are required to protect the right to non-discrimination and the right to education. They need to respect, protect, and fulfill human rights.

  • Respect that all learners have the right to an equal education
  • Protect the right to education as a tool for empowerment and human development
  • Fulfill the commitment to human rights by confirming that everyone has access to quality education without any form of discrimination

Children’s Rights

Students up to the age of 18 are considered children under the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). They are entitled to special protections that recognize their need to participate, learn, grow, and play.


Being the only Black person in every classroom I have sat in, I can’t relate to anyone around me. Never seen [my] culture represented in history, socials class, [and it’s] very hard to speak up when racism is brought up because nobody would understand.

Student, Minister’s Anti-Racism Youth Dialogue Series, 2022

I started an anti-racism committee at school and conducted a survey to figure out how other students talked about racism. I came to the conclusion that a lot of people knew racism was bad but not why.

Student, Minister’s Anti-Racism Youth Dialogue Series, 2022

Consider the above quotes from students within B.C.’s education system. Not all students in the education system experience their rights equally. You may have noticed times when some youth within your school community/district have been excluded, judged, or discriminated against because of their race or culture.

  • How could their human rights and dignity be better recognized and protected in your school community and/or district?