Module 5: Reflecting on Identity and Privilege

How Does White Privilege Operate in Education?

White privilege operates in education in many ways, and it reinforces white dominant culture and values. This can lead to a racist behaviours and choices, such as:

  • Teaching primarily from the perspective of the dominant culture (Eurocentric)
  • Using resources that are predominately created by white authors and illustrators
  • Not addressing microaggressions when they occur

I believe there is a lack of education when it comes to history...I feel like when we are learning about history, they tend to focus more on Eurocentric history or points of view, when they can be incorporating different cultures. For example, I don’t think Canada’s past slavery problem gets talked about.

Student, Minister’s Anti-Racism Youth Dialogue Series, 2022

Education systems across Canada (including in B.C.) were built on colonial values. Colonialism has historically reinforced white privilege and power. Residential schools and racially segregated schools are examples of this. There are also many discriminatory practices and policies within the education system that still exist. It is the responsibility of everyone working within the education system to change these practices and policies.

It is important to keep learning so that unintentional harm is not caused… and doing the work helps to give voice to others and the confidence to act as an anti-racist.

Staff Member, B.C. Education System

It is important that we all continue to learn about how to stop racism in schools and school districts. Learning and making changes can often be uncomfortable. Changes happen one step at a time.

If you are feeling overwhelmed or uncomfortable, it can be helpful to take a break and then return later to this module.


It is important to reflect — either individually or within a group — about the content in this module.

  • Consider how white dominant culture and white privilege show up in your workplace or school community?
  • Consider changes that can be made to better ensure that all students and staff (as well as all member of school communities such as parents and caregivers) can experience safe, equitable, and inclusive environments.