Module 7: Interrupting Racism

Summary of Learning


Turning Ideas into Action

It is helpful to consider how you can bring your understanding of what it means to become anti-racist into your everyday workplace experiences.

  • What commitments will you make towards being anti-racist?
  • In what ways could you use your privilege and role within the education system to be a part of change?
  • What does an anti-racist workplace, school, classroom, or education system look like to you? What does it feel like?
  • What can you do to help create inclusive, racially-just environments in your workplace?


During this course you learned what anti-racism is and how you can take actions to eradicate racism in B.C.’s education system. After completing all modules in this course, complete this self-assessment for your own reflection and understanding.


You have now completed Learning to Be Anti-Racist: An Introductory Course!

Thank you for being committed to working together to end racism in B.C.’s education system by playing an active part in long-term social change. This work can be challenging and uncomfortable, and each person will make mistakes. But by working together, it is possible to a create a safe, caring, inclusive and racism-free education system for all.

A summary of learning PDF that outlines what you have learned throughout this course is available to download and save.